Comptes Rendus

Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

Analyse biostratigraphique et sédimentologique des séries éo-oligocènes et miocènes de la Tunisie septentrionale : implications stratigraphiques et géodynamiques
[Biostratigraphical and sedimentological analyses of the Eo-Oligocene and Miocene deposits of northern Tunisia: Stratigraphic and geodynamic implications]
p. 49-62

Issue no. 2-3 Table of Contents

Mécanique de l'orogénie varisque : Une vision moderne de le recherche dans le domaine de l'orogénie
[Mechanics of Variscan Orogeny: A modern view on orogenic research]

Mechanics of Variscan Orogeny: A modern view on orogenic research
[Mécanique de l’orogénie varisque : une vision moderne de la recherche dans le domaine de l’orogénie]
p. 97-102

p. 202-213

p. 253-265

Structural evolution of the Ural–Tian Shan junction: A view from Karatau ridge, South Kazakhstan
[Évolution structurale à la jonction Oural–Tien Chan sur l’exemple de la crête de Karatau, Sud Kazakhstan]
p. 287-297

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

p. 299-305

Géophysique interne
Réfutation de l’hypothèse sismo-acoustique invoquée pour le double bang de la catastrophe de Toulouse (France) du 21 septembre 2001
[Refutation of the seismo-acoustic hypothesis for the double bang of the 21st September 2001, Toulouse (France) catastrophe]
p. 306-309

Données nouvelles sur le contenu organique des dépôts phosphatés du gisement de Ras-Draâ (Tunisie)
[New data on the organic matter associated to phosphatic ores of the Ras-Draâ deposit (Tunisia)]
p. 319-326

Surface geosciences (hydrology–hydrogeology)
Tsunami-induced groundwater salinization in southeastern India
p. 339-346

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

Transition Océan-Continent
[Ocean-continent transition]

p. 382-393

Initiation of transform faults at rifted continental margins
p. 428-438

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

Surface geosciences (Hydrology – Hydrogeology)
Effects of rock fragments on water movement and solute transport in a Loess Plateau soil
p. 462-472

Issue no. 7 Table of Contents

External geophysics, climate and environment (Physical and chemical oceanography)
Simulation of the turbidity maximum in the Seine estuary with a two-phase flow model
p. 505-512

Internal geophysics
Grain structure of the Earth's inner core
[Structure de grains de la graine terrestre]
p. 513-516

p. 538-546

Issue no. 8-9 Table of Contents

Histoire climatique des déserts d'Afrique et d'Arabie
[Climatic history of the African and Arabian deserts]

p. 569-574

External geophysics, climate and environment (climate)
A comparison of Indian and African monsoon variability at different time scales
p. 575-590

Surface geosciences (Palaeoclimatology)
Neogene desertification of Africa
p. 591-602

p. 612-620

p. 621-632

External geophysics, climate and environment
The speleothem record of climate variability in Southern Arabia
p. 633-642

External geophysics, climate and environment
The role of the ocean feedback on Asian and African monsoon variations at 6 kyr and 9.5 kyr BP
p. 643-655

External geophysics, climate and environment
Plant migration and plant communities at the time of the “green Sahara”
p. 656-670

Surface geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Climate and vegetation: Simulating the African humid period
p. 671-688

Surface geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Coping with uncertainty: Neolithic life in the Dhar Tichitt-Walata, Mauritania, (ca. 4000–2300 BP)
p. 703-712

Surfaces geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Modalities and characteristics of human occupations in Yemen during the Early/Mid-Holocene
p. 713-725

External geophysics, climate and environment
Extracting wealth from a land of starvation by creating social complexity: A dialogue between archaeology and climate?
[La complexité sociale comme moyen de produire de la richesse dans une terre de pénurie : un dialogue entre archéologie et climat ?]
p. 726-738

Surface geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
The evolution of settlement patterns in the eastern Oman from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (6000–2000 BC)
p. 739-749

p. 750-759

External geophysics, climate and environment
Climate and environmental change at the end of the Holocene Humid Period: A pollen record off Pakistan
p. 760-769

Surface geosciences (Hydrology – Hydrogeology)
Assessment of Holocene surface hydrological connections for the Ounianga lake catchment zone (Chad)
p. 770-782

Issue no. 10-11 Table of Contents


p. 795-799

p. 846-858

p. 886-898

Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Joint use of TEM and MRS methods in a complex geological setting
p. 908-917

Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Review of self-potential methods in hydrogeophysics
p. 928-936

Issue no. 12 Table of Contents

p. 982-992

p. 1052-1056

p. 1065-1069