Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Geomaterials (Sedimentology)
Does a strong pycnocline impact organic-matter preservation and accumulation in an anoxic setting? The case of the Orca Basin, Gulf of Mexico
p. 1-9
Geochemistry (Isotopic Geochemistry)
Trace element variations in an archeological carbonate deposit from the antique city of Ostia: Environmental and archeological implications
p. 10-20
Surface geosciences (hydrology-hydrogeology)
Seawater intrusion and associated processes: Case of the Korba aquifer (Cap-Bon, Tunisia)
p. 21-35
Formation and evolution of paleo-valleys linked to a subsiding canyon, North Aquitaine shelf (France)
p. 36-48
Analyse biostratigraphique et sédimentologique des séries éo-oligocènes et miocènes de la Tunisie septentrionale : implications stratigraphiques et géodynamiques
[Biostratigraphical and sedimentological analyses of the Eo-Oligocene and Miocene deposits of northern Tunisia: Stratigraphic and geodynamic implications]
p. 49-62
The Lochkovian–Pragian boundary in Podolia (Lower Devonian, Ukraine) based upon placoderm vertebrates
p. 63-70
p. 71-77
p. 78-84
p. 85-94
p. CO3
Issue no. 2-3 Table of Contents
Mécanique de l'orogénie varisque : Une vision moderne de le recherche dans le domaine de l'orogénie
[Mechanics of Variscan Orogeny: A modern view on orogenic research]
p. CO2
p. 95-96
Mechanics of Variscan Orogeny: A modern view on orogenic research
[Mécanique de l’orogénie varisque : une vision moderne de la recherche dans le domaine de l’orogénie]
p. 97-102
p. 103-113
A rootless suture and the loss of the roots of a mountain chain: The Variscan belt of NW Iberia
p. 114-126
Mechanics of thick-skinned Variscan overprinting of Cadomian basement (Iberian Variscides)
p. 127-139
The Rhenohercynian passive margin of SW England: Development, inversion and extensional reactivation
p. 140-155
p. 156-173
Palaeozoic history of the Armorican Massif: Models for the tectonic evolution of the suture zones
p. 174-201
p. 202-213
p. 214-223
A restored section of the “southern Variscan realm” across the Corsica–Sardinia microcontinent
p. 224-238
The Variscan evolution in the External massifs of the Alps and place in their Variscan framework
p. 239-252
p. 253-265
p. 266-286
Structural evolution of the Ural–Tian Shan junction: A view from Karatau ridge, South Kazakhstan
[Évolution structurale à la jonction Oural–Tien Chan sur l’exemple de la crête de Karatau, Sud Kazakhstan]
p. 287-297
p. CO3
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 299-305
Géophysique interne
Réfutation de l’hypothèse sismo-acoustique invoquée pour le double bang de la catastrophe de Toulouse (France) du 21 septembre 2001
[Refutation of the seismo-acoustic hypothesis for the double bang of the 21st September 2001, Toulouse (France) catastrophe]
p. 306-309
Geomaterials (Petrology)
Genesis of adakite-like lavas of Licancabur volcano (Chile—Bolivia, Central Andes)
p. 310-318
Données nouvelles sur le contenu organique des dépôts phosphatés du gisement de Ras-Draâ (Tunisie)
[New data on the organic matter associated to phosphatic ores of the Ras-Draâ deposit (Tunisia)]
p. 319-326
Surface geosciences (hydrology-hydrogeology)
Equivalent block transmissivity in an irregular 2D polygonal grid for one-phase flow: A sensitivity analysis
p. 327-338
Surface geosciences (hydrology–hydrogeology)
Tsunami-induced groundwater salinization in southeastern India
p. 339-346
p. 347-356
p. CO3
p. CO2
p. 357-362
Ophiolites in ocean–continent transitions: From the Steinmann Trinity to sea-floor spreading
p. 363-381
Geophysical characterisation of the ocean–continent transition at magma-poor rifted margins
p. 382-393
p. 394-405
p. 406-427
p. 428-438
p. CO3
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 439-445
Internal geophysics (Geodesy)
Wavelet application to the time series analysis of DORIS station coordinates
p. 446-461
Surface geosciences (Hydrology – Hydrogeology)
Effects of rock fragments on water movement and solute transport in a Loess Plateau soil
p. 462-472
Surface geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
Monitoring of water and heat transfer in the vadose zone of a carbonate formation: An example of an underground quarry in Gironde, France
p. 473-485
Surface geosciences (Pedology)
3D representation of soil distribution: An approach for understanding pedogenesis
p. 486-494
Oceanography (Marine geophysics)
Crustal structure of the NW Moroccan margin from deep seismic data (SISMAR Cruise)
p. 495-503
p. CO3
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. CO2
External geophysics, climate and environment (Physical and chemical oceanography)
Simulation of the turbidity maximum in the Seine estuary with a two-phase flow model
p. 505-512
Internal geophysics
Grain structure of the Earth's inner core
[Structure de grains de la graine terrestre]
p. 513-516
p. 517-525
Surface geosciences
Post-cropping change and dynamics in soil and vegetation properties after forest clearing: Example of the semi-arid Mikea Region (southwestern Madagascar)
p. 526-537
Surface geosciences (Hydrology–Hydrogeology)
1896–2006 Sahelian annual rainfall variability and runoff increase of Sahelian Rivers
p. 538-546
p. 557-567
p. CO3
Issue no. 8-9 Table of Contents
Histoire climatique des déserts d'Afrique et d'Arabie
[Climatic history of the African and Arabian deserts]
p. CO2
p. 569-574
External geophysics, climate and environment (climate)
A comparison of Indian and African monsoon variability at different time scales
p. 575-590
p. 591-602
Surface geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Chad Basin: Paleoenvironments of the Sahara since the Late Miocene
p. 603-611
External geophysics, climate and environment
Modelling the impact of tectonics, surface conditions and sea surface temperatures on Saharan and sub-Saharan climate evolution
p. 612-620
Surface geosciences
Chronology of the impact of Quaternary climate change on continental environments in the Arabian Peninsula
p. 621-632
External geophysics, climate and environment
The speleothem record of climate variability in Southern Arabia
p. 633-642
External geophysics, climate and environment
The role of the ocean feedback on Asian and African monsoon variations at 6 kyr and 9.5 kyr BP
p. 643-655
External geophysics, climate and environment
Plant migration and plant communities at the time of the “green Sahara”
p. 656-670
p. 671-688
Surface geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Early to Middle Holocene landscape exploitation in a drying environment: Two case studies compared from the central Sahara (SW Fezzan, Libya)
p. 689-702
Surface geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Coping with uncertainty: Neolithic life in the Dhar Tichitt-Walata, Mauritania, (ca. 4000–2300 BP)
p. 703-712
Surfaces geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
Modalities and characteristics of human occupations in Yemen during the Early/Mid-Holocene
p. 713-725
External geophysics, climate and environment
Extracting wealth from a land of starvation by creating social complexity: A dialogue between archaeology and climate?
[La complexité sociale comme moyen de produire de la richesse dans une terre de pénurie : un dialogue entre archéologie et climat ?]
p. 726-738
Surface geosciences (Palaeoenvironment)
The evolution of settlement patterns in the eastern Oman from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze Age (6000–2000 BC)
p. 739-749
External geophysics, climate and environment
Timing of vegetation changes at the end of the Holocene Humid Period in desert areas at the northern edge of the Atlantic and Indian monsoon systems
p. 750-759
External geophysics, climate and environment
Climate and environmental change at the end of the Holocene Humid Period: A pollen record off Pakistan
p. 760-769
Surface geosciences (Hydrology – Hydrogeology)
Assessment of Holocene surface hydrological connections for the Ounianga lake catchment zone (Chad)
p. 770-782
External geophysics, climate and environment
Hydrogeological modeling as a tool supporting the interpretation of pollen proxies for palaeoclimate reconstitution: The Senegalese “niayes” case-study
p. 783-793
p. CO3
p. CO2
p. 795-799
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Contribution of geophysical surveys to groundwater modelling of a porous aquifer in semiarid Niger: An overview
p. 800-809
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Geophysical characterisation of karstic networks – Application to the Ouysse system (Poumeyssen, France)
p. 810-817
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Characterizing the vadose zone and a perched aquifer near the Vosges ridge at the La Soutte experimental site, Obernai, France
p. 818-830
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
New in situ techniques for the estimation of the dielectric properties and moisture content of soils
p. 831-845
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Ground penetrating radar imaging and time-domain modelling of the infiltration of diesel fuel in a sandbox experiment
p. 846-858
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
From spatial-continuous electrical resistivity measurements to the soil hydraulic functioning at the field scale
p. 859-867
Internal geophysics (Applied Geophysics)
Monitoring hydraulic processes with automated time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography (ALERT)
p. 868-885
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Influence of shallow infiltration on time-lapse ERT: Experience of advanced interpretation
p. 886-898
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
An integrated study of the hydrogeology of volcanic islands using helicopter borne transient electromagnetic: Application in the Galápagos Archipelago
p. 899-907
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Joint use of TEM and MRS methods in a complex geological setting
p. 908-917
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Investigation of sedimentary aquifers in Denmark using the magnetic resonance sounding method (MRS)
p. 918-927
p. 928-936
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Monitoring water flow in a clay-shale hillslope from geophysical data fusion based on a fuzzy logic approach
p. 937-948
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
Pluri-annual recharge assessment using vertical soil temperature profiles: Example of the Seine river basin (1984–2001)
p. 949-956
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
MuSET: A multiparameter and high precision sensor for downhole spontaneous electrical potential measurements
p. 957-964
Internal geophysics (Applied geophysics)
CoFIS and TELog: New downhole tools for characterizing dispersion processes in aquifers by single-well injection-withdrawal tracer tests
p. 965-975
p. CO3
Issue no. 12 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 977-981
Geomaterials (Petrology)
Chromitite potential in mantle peridotites of the Jandaq ophiolite (central Iran)
p. 982-992
Surface geosciences (Hydrology–hydrogeology)
The fresh water-seawater contact in coastal aquifers supporting intensive pumped seawater extractions: A case study
p. 993-1002
p. 1003-1015
p. 1016-1028
p. 1029-1037
p. 1052-1056
p. 1057-1059
p. 1060-1064
p. 1065-1069
p. CO3