Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Genetics / Génétique
Hierarchical clustering based upon contextual alignment of proteins: a different way to approach phylogeny
p. 11-22
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Effects of cadmium and copper on antioxidant capacities, lignification and auxin degradation in leaves of pea (Pisum sativum L.) seedlings
p. 23-31
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Plant biology and pathology
Changements biochimiques induits par le cadmium et le cuivre au cours de la germination des graines de petit pois (Pisum sativum L.)
[Biochemical changes associated with cadmium and copper stress in germinating pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.)]
p. 33-41
Medical sciences / Sciences médicales
Protein 4.1R expression in normal and dystrophic skeletal muscle
p. 43-56
Écologie / Ecology
Facteurs contrôlant la variabilité spatiale de la macrofaune du sol dans une hêtraie pure et une hêtraie–charmaie
[Factors controlling soil macrofauna spatial pattern in a pure beech and a mixed beech–hornbeam forest]
p. 57-74
Ecology / Écologie
Underwater acoustic positioning systems as tool for Posidonia oceanica beds survey
p. 75-80
Evolution / Évolution
Pollen waste and unrelated traits in a fig–fig wasp symbiosis: a new behaviour suggesting a host shift
p. 81-87
Éthologie / Ethology
L'héritage maternel d'une araignée subsociale : une toile pour la prédation collective des jeunes
[Maternal inheritance in a subsocial spider: web for collective prey capturing of the young]
p. 89-95
Ethology / Éthologie
Inter-individual variability during morning choruses in Japanese quail males (Coturnix coturnix japonica)
p. 97-104
p. CO3
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 105-107
p. 109-118
p. 119-130
p. 131-142
The neurobiology of temporal lobe epilepsy: too much information, not enough knowledge
p. 143-153
How the ear's works work: mechanoelectrical transduction and amplification by hair cells
p. 155-162
Rétinopathies pigmentaires : de la thérapie cellulaire à la signalisation intercellulaire
[Neuroprotection of photoreceptor cells in rod-cone dystrophies: from cell therapy to cell signalling]
p. 163-168
p. 169-175
p. 177-186
p. 187-198
Dissecting the genetic effect of the CRH system on anxiety and stress-related behaviour
p. 199-212
p. CO3
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Canicule, fraîcheurs, vendanges (France, XVe–XIXe siècles)
[Dog-days, cold periods, grape-harvests (France, 15–19th centuries)]
[Dog-days, cold periods, grape-harvests (France, 15–19th centuries)]
p. 213-222
p. 223-234
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologies animales
Feeding preferences of the Apollo butterfly (Parnassius apollo ssp. frankenbergeri) larvae inhabiting the Pieniny Mts (southern Poland)
p. 235-242
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Destructive and non-destructive microanalysis of biocarbonates applied to anomalous otoliths of archaeological and modern sciaenids (Teleostei) from Peru and Chile
p. 243-252
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Plant biology and pathology
Impédance in vivo des organes aériens de certaines plantes mono- et dicotylédones
[In vivo impedance of the aerial organs of some mono- and dicotyledonous plants]
p. 253-262
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Influence of temperature and nutritional requirements for mycelial growth of Eutypa lata, a vineyard pathogenic fungus
p. 263-270
Pharmacology / Pharmacologie
Production of NA by endothelial NO-synthase: An in vitro versus in vivo study
p. 271-279
Toxicologie / Toxicology
Évaluation comparée de la toxicité des moules (Mytilus galloprovincialis) de deux sites du littoral atlantique marocain sur des souris
[Comparative evaluation of the toxicity induced by mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) from two sites of the Moroccan Atlantic coast in mice]
p. 281-289
Ecology / Écologie
Unexpected response of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica to a warm-water episode in the North Western Mediterranean Sea
p. 291-296
p. CO3
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
p. CO2
2e Conférence internationale d'Alcalá en écologie mathématique
[2nd Alcalá International Conference on Mathematical Ecology]
[2nd Alcalá International Conference on Mathematical Ecology]
p. 299
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Ecological time-series analysis through structural modelling with latent constructs: concepts, methods and applications
p. 301-316
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
A tunable multivariable nonlinear robust observer for biological systems
p. 317-325
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Mathematical model for optimal control in wastewater discharges: the global performance
p. 327-336
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
The stabilizability of a controlled system describing the dynamics of a fishery
p. 337-350
p. 351-356
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Can marine protected areas enhance both economic and biological situations?
p. 357-366
p. 367-378
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Fuelwood harvesting in Niger and a generalization of Faustmann's formula
p. 379-385
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Numerical study of size-structured population models: A case of Gambussia affinis
p. 387-402
p. 403-412
p. CO3
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
A simple framework to describe the regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes
p. 429-444
Genetics / Génétique
Construction of non-symmetric substitution matrices derived from proteomes with biased amino acid distributions
p. 445-453
Genetics / Génétique
AFLP analysis of the genetic diversity of Meloidogyne chitwoodi and M. fallax, major agricultural pests
p. 455-462
Biologie et pathologie animales / Animal biology and pathology
Effets métaboliques et endocriniens de la privation hydrique et/ou alimentaire chez le rat
[Metabolic and endocrine effects of water and/or food deprivation in rats]
p. 463-470
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Clutch size: a major sex ratio determinant in fig pollinating wasps?
p. 471-476
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Early divergence among the Alestidae (Teleostei, Ostariophyses, Characiformes): Mitochondrial evidences and congruence with morphological data
p. 477-491
Analyse spectrométrique, in vivo, de l'impédance électrique de la première feuille de maïs (Zea mays L.) en fonction des conditions hydriques du sol et de l'atmosphère
[In vivo spectrometric analysis of the electrical impedance of the first leaf of maize (Zea mays L.) as a function of soil and atmosphere hydrous conditions]
p. 493-503
Ecology / Écologie
Warming and exponential abundance increase of the subtropical fish Capros aper in the Bay of Biscay (1973–2002)
p. 505-509
p. CO3
p. CO2
p. 511-513
Fac-similé de la note / Facsimile of the article
L'opéron : groupe de gènes à expression coordonnée par un opérateur [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris 250 (1960) 1727–1729]
p. 514-520
p. 521-548
p. 549-556
p. 568-575
p. CO3
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 606-615
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Analysis of differences in amino acid substitution patterns, using multilevel G-tests
p. 632-641
Cell biology / Biologie cellulaire
Formation and structure of food bodies in Cordia nodosa (Boraginaceae)
p. 642-647
Biologie et pathologie animales / Animal biology and pathology
Interaction du jeûne intermittent sur les effets cytotoxiques rénaux du nickel chez le rat pubère
p. 648-660
Évolution / Evolution
Impact anthropique sur la végétation de la région d'Évian depuis le Néolithique moyen : l'enregistrement pollinique de la Beunaz (971 m n.g.f., Haute-Savoie, France)
[Palynological evidence of anthropogenic pressure on vegetation dynamics in the Évian area since the middle Neolithic: the pollen record of La Beunaz (971 m a.s.l., northern Alps, France)]
p. 661-673
Evolution / Évolution
Further support for the clades obtained by multiple molecular phylogenies in the acanthomorph bush
p. 674-689
p. CO3
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Génétique / Genetics
Plantes chlorophylliennes de blé dur obtenues par culture de microspores isolées : importance des prétraitements
[Chlorophyllian durum wheat plants obtained by isolated microspores culture: importance of the pre-treatments]
p. 713-723
Neurosciences / Neurosciences
A novel hypothalamic neuroendocrine peptide: URP (urotensin-II-related peptide)?
p. 724-731
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Toxin-based in-vitro selection and its potential application to date palm for resistance to the bayoud Fusarium wilt
p. 732-744
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Plant biology and pathology
Effets du cadmium sur le métabolisme des lipides de plantules de colza (Brassica napus L.)
[Cadmium effects on lipid metabolism of rape (Brassica napus L.)]
p. 745-757
p. 758-766
Medical sciences / Sciences médicales
A method to quantify at late imaging a release rate of 18F-FDG in tissues
p. 767-772
p. CO3
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Emergence of complex patterns induced by Dynamic Systems implemented in Dynamic Structures (DS)2
p. 783-793
Biochemistry / Biochimie
Enhancement of the in vitro transcription by T7 RNA polymerase of short DNA templates containing oxidative thymine lesions
p. 794-801
Biologie et pathologie animales / Animal biology and pathology
Capacité de reproduction des femelles Eupelmus vuilleti (Eupelmidae), inséminées par des mâles développés en hyperparasitoïdes de Dinarmus basalis (Pteromalidae)
[Reproductive capacity of females Eupelmus vuilleti (Eupelmidae) inseminated by hyperparasitoid males developed upon the primary parasitoid Dinarmus basalis (Pteromalidae)]
p. 802-811
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Role of methionine-enkephalin on the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism in the rice field crab Oziotelphusa senex senex
p. 812-820
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Plant–pathogen interactions: will the understanding of common mechanisms lead to the unification of concepts?
p. 821-833
Biophysics / Biophysique
Production of hydrogen peroxide in rat corpus cavernosum: An on-line study with microvoltammetric electrodes
p. 834-840
Anthropologie / Anthropology
Les Alpes Dinariques : un peuple de sujets de grande taille
[Average height of adolescents in the Dinaric Alps]
p. 841-846
p. CO3
Issue no. 10-11 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 863-881
p. 882-899
Physiologie / Physiology
Effets secondaires de faibles concentrations de lithium sur les fonctions rénales, thyroïdiennes et sexuelles chez des rats matures mâles et femelles
[Side effects of low serum lithium concentrations on renal, thyroid, and sexual functions in male and female rats]
p. 900-911
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Decrease of fluctuating asymmetry among larval instars in an aquatic, holometabolous insect
p. 912-917
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Impact of water deficit intensity on durum wheat seminal roots
p. 918-927
Microbiology / Microbiologie
Morphological specificity of yeast and filamentous Candida albicans forms on surface properties
p. 928-935
Écologie / Ecology
Nomenclature des groupes écologiques d'insectes liés au bois : synthèse et mise au point sémantique
[Nomenclature of wood-inhabiting groups in forest entomology: synthesis and semantic adjustments]
p. 936-948
p. 949-954
Ecology / Écologie
Uselessness and indirect negative effects of an insecticide on rice field invertebrates
p. 955-962
Ecology / Écologie
Impact of the longitudinal and seasonal changes of the water quality on the benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Andorran streams
p. 963-976
Écologie / Ecology
Structure et bioévaluation de l'état écologique des communautés benthiques d'un écosystème lagunaire de la côte atlantique marocaine
[Structure and bioassessment of benthic communities of a lagoonal ecosystem of the Atlantic Moroccan coast]
p. 977-990
Écologie / Ecology
Variations temporelles des paramètres physicochimiques et microbiologiques de trois écosystèmes aquatiques (Sud-Est de la France) envahis par des Ludwigia
[Temporal variations of physicochemical and microbiological parameters in three freshwater ecosystems (southeastern France) invaded by Ludwigia spp]
p. 991-999
Evolution / Évolution
The phylogeny of squamate reptiles (lizards, snakes, and amphisbaenians) inferred from nine nuclear protein-coding genes
p. 1000-1008
Taxonomy / Taxinomie
Phylogenetic relationships and biodiversity in Hylids (Anura: Hylidae) from French Guiana
p. 1009-1024
p. 1025-1030
p. CO3
Issue no. 12 Table of Contents
Atelier européen sur la corrélation de fluorescence – Applications des techniques spectroscopiques en biologie, médecine et pharmacologie, faculté de médicine Paris-Sud, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France, 24 & 25 mars 2005
[European Workshop on Fluorescence Correlation – Spectroscopy Techniques Applications in Biology, Medicine & Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine Paris-Sud, Le Kremlin-Bicêtre, France, 24 & 25 March 2005]
p. CO2
Biophysics / Biophysique
Monitoring the interaction between DNA and a transcription factor (MEF2A) using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
p. 1033-1040
Biophysics / Biophysique
Investigation by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy of the chaperoning interactions of HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein with the viral DNA initiation sequences
p. 1041-1051
Biophysics / Biophysique
Disassembly of structurally modified viral nanoparticles: characterization by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
p. 1052-1056
Biophysics / Biophysique
Diffusion of sphingomyelin and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein in the membrane of OLN-93 oligodendroglial cells studied by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy
p. 1057-1064
p. 1065-1072
Biophysics / Biophysics
Dissociation of nuclear import cargo complexes by the protein Ran: a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy study
p. 1073-1082
p. 1085-1088
p. 1089-1091
p. 1093-1097
p. 1099-1103
p. CO3