p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 1-4
p. 60-89
p. 197-231
p. IBC
Issue no. 3-4 Table of Contents
Physique de la matière condensée au XXIe siècle: l’héritage de Jacques Friedel
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
Physique de la matière condensée au XXIe siècle : l'héritage de Jacques Friedel
Métallurgie fondamentale et métallurgie numérique : l'héritage de Jacques Friedel dans la théorie de la plasticité des métaux et alliages
[Fundamental metallurgy and numerical metallurgy: The legacy of Jacques Friedel in the theory of plasticity of metals and alloy]
p. 237-241
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Dislocations and other topological oddities
p. 242-263
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Dislocations in a quantum crystal Solid helium: A model and an exception
p. 264-275
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Jacques Friedel and the physics of metals and alloys
p. 276-290
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
How the Friedel oscillations entered the physics of metallic alloys
p. 291-293
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Friedel oscillations in graphene-based systems probed by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
p. 294-301
A tribute to Jacques Friedel / Hommage à Jacques Friedel
Friedel oscillations: Decoding the hidden physics
p. 302-321
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
One-dimensional physics in the 21st century
p. 322-331
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
The Peierls instability and charge density wave in one-dimensional electronic conductors
p. 332-356
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Novel superconducting phenomena in quasi-one-dimensional Bechgaard salts
p. 357-375
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Rapid magnetic oscillations and magnetic breakdown in quasi-1D conductors
p. 376-388
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Structure of covalently bonded materials: From the Peierls distortion to Phase-Change Materials
p. 389-405
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
An efficient magnetic tight-binding method for transition metals and alloys
p. 406-429
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
The beauty of impurities: Two revivals of Friedel's virtual bound-state concept
p. 430-446
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
The longevity of Jacques Friedel's model of the virtual bound state
p. 447-454
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Quantum kagome frustrated antiferromagnets: One route to quantum spin liquids
p. 455-470
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Insulating oxide surfaces and nanostructures
p. 471-480
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
Silver and oxygen: Transition from clusters to nanoparticles
p. 481-484
Condensed matter physics in the 21st century: The legacy of Jacques Friedel
A versatile lab-on-chip test platform to characterize elementary deformation mechanisms and electromechanical couplings in nanoscopic objects
p. 485-495
p. IBC
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 524-532
p. 555-564
p. IBC
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 581-584
Gamma-ray astronomy / Astronomie des rayons gamma – Volume 2
Starburst galaxies as seen by gamma-ray telescopes
p. 585-593
Gamma-ray astronomy / Astronomie des rayons gamma – Volume 2
Active galactic nuclei at gamma-ray energies
p. 594-616
Gamma-ray astronomy / Astronomie des rayons gamma – Volume 2
Gamma-ray bursts at high and very high energies
p. 617-631
p. 632-648
Gamma-ray astronomy / Astronomie des rayons gamma – Volume 2
High-energy gamma-ray sources of cosmological origin
p. 649-662
p. 663-678
p. IBC
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 679-683
p. 685-692
p. 756-765
p. 778-787
p. 789-801
p. IBC
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
Polariton physics/Physique des polaritons
Many-body quantum electrodynamics networks: Non-equilibrium condensed matter physics with light
p. 808-835
p. 874-892
p. 893-907
Polariton physics/Physique des polaritons
Soliton physics with semiconductor exciton–polaritons in confined systems
p. 908-919
p. 920-933
p. 946-956
p. IBC
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves/Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques URSI-France 2015 scientific days – Paris, CNAM, 24 & 25 March 2015
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
p. 957-959
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
Combined complex-source beam and spherical-multipole analysis for the electromagnetic probing of conical structures
p. 960-965
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
A variety of radars designed to explore the hidden structures and properties of the Solar System's planets and bodies
p. 966-975
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
Star formation and chemical complexity in the Orion nebula: A new view with the IRAM and ALMA interferometers
p. 976-984
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
Comets at radio wavelengths
p. 985-994
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
Scattering properties of a stratified air/snow/sea ice medium. Small slope approximation
p. 995-1002
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
A new technique to characterize foliage attenuation using passive radar in the L-band
p. 1003-1017
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
Microwave imaging of magnetohydrodynamic instabilities in fusion plasma
p. 1018-1026
Probing matter with electromagnetic waves / Sonder la matière par les ondes électromagnétiques
Superposition of fiber Bragg and LPG gratings for embedded strain measurement
p. 1027-1037
p. IBC
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
Mesoscopic thermoelectric phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 1039-1046
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena/Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
Linear and nonlinear mesoscopic thermoelectric transport with coupling with heat baths
p. 1047-1059
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermo électriques mésoscopiques
Nonlinear phenomena in quantum thermoelectrics and heat
p. 1060-1071
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
The thermoelectric working fluid: Thermodynamics and transport
p. 1072-1083
p. 1084-1095
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
Experiments on the thermoelectric properties of quantum dots
p. 1096-1108
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
Thermoelectrics with Coulomb-coupled quantum dots
p. 1109-1122
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
Thermoelectric and electrical transport in mesoscopic two-dimensional electron gases
p. 1123-1129
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
Maxwell's demons realized in electronic circuits
p. 1130-1138
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
High-performance electronic cooling with superconducting tunnel junctions
p. 1139-1145
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
Nanostructuration for thermoelectricity: The path to an unlimited reduction of phonon transport
p. 1146-1153
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
Reduction of phonon mean free path: From low-temperature physics to room temperature applications in thermoelectricity
p. 1154-1160
Thermoelectric mesoscopic phenomena / Phénomènes thermoélectriques mésoscopiques
Thermoelectric transport and Peltier cooling of cold atomic gases
p. 1161-1174
p. IBC