Issue no. S1 Table of Contents
p. 22-29
p. 30-36
Inbreeding and road effect zone in a Ranidae: the case of Agile frog, Rana dalmatina Bonaparte, 1840
p. 68-72
p. 217-221
p. 222-226
Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Vegetal biology and pathology
L'arsenal phytosanitaire face aux ennemis des plantes. Considérations générales
[The arsenal of agrochemical products versus the plant enemies. General considerations]
p. 1-7
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Plant biology and pathology
Modes d'action des produits phytosanitaires sur les organismes pathogènes des plantes
[Mode of action of agrochemicals towards plant pathogens]
p. 9-21
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Plant biology and pathology
Apport de la biologie moléculaire et cellulaire et de la génétique à la protection des plantes
[Contribution of molecular and cellular biology and genetics to plant protection]
p. 23-35
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
Agronomic approach: cropping systems and plant diseases
p. 37-46
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Plant biology and pathology
Mise en place de stratégies phytosanitaires
[Implementation of new phytosanitary strategies]
p. 47-49
p. 51-64
p. 65-74
Biologie et pathologie animales / Animal biology and pathology
Les adaptations de l'hoazin (Opisthocomus hoazin) à la folivorie. Caractéristiques morphologiques et particularités fonctionnelles des appareils du bec et hyoı̈dien
[Adaptation of the Hoatzin (Opisthocomus hoazin) to folivory. Distinctive morphological and functional features of its bill and hyoid apparatus]
p. 75-94
Plant biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie végétales
A chemotaxonomic method to quantify phytoplankton groups in freshwater lentic mesocosms: an approach including chlorophyll a breakdown products
p. 95-105
Écologie / Ecology
Une nouvelle approche de la biodiversité : plasticité morphologique chez une diatomée d'eau douce
[A new approach of the biodiversity: morphological plasticity for a freshwater diatom]
p. 107-120
p. 121-130
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
Complexité biologique Compte rendu du colloque organisé par l'Institut Jacques-Monod et parrainé par l'Académie des Sciences, qui s'est tenu à l'Institut Jacques-Monod les 11 et 12 juin 2002
[Biological complexity]
[Biological complexity]
p. 131-132
p. 133-140
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Does the size of small objects influence chemical reactivity in living systems?
p. 141-147
p. 149-159
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Actin-based motility as a self-organized system: mechanism and reconstitution in vitro
p. 161-170
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Genetic regulation networks: circuits, regulons and attractors
p. 171-188
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Stochastic models for circadian rhythms: effect of molecular noise on periodic and chaotic behaviour
p. 189-203
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Emergence of complex behaviour from simple circuit structures
p. 205-214
p. 215-217
p. 219-222
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Complex pattern formation by a self-destabilization of established patterns: chemotactic orientation and phyllotaxis as examples
p. 223-237
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
On the mechanochemical theory of biological pattern formation with application to vasculogenesis
p. 239-252
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. 253-273
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Extrabuccal infralabial secretion outlets in Dromophis, Mimophis and Psammophis species (Serpentes, Colubridae, Psammophiini). A probable substitute for ‘self-rubbing’ and cloacal scent gland functions, and a cue for a taxonomic account
p. 275-286
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Sense-organ-like parietal pits found in Psammophiini (Serpentes, Colubridae)
p. 287-293
p. 295-303
Ecology / Écologie
Spatio-temporal growth dynamics of a subAlpine Pinus uncinata stand in the French Alps
p. 305-315
p. 317-327
Ethology / Éthologie
Potential for individual recognition in acoustic signals: a comparative study of two gulls with different nesting patterns
p. 329-337
p. 339-348
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
Biological modelling
Simulation of carbon reserve dynamics in Microcystis and its influence on vertical migration with Yoyo model
p. 349-361
p. 363-370
Effect of a cranium-directed daily illumination cycle on the laying rhythm in Japanese quail
p. 371-376
Biologie et pathologie animales
Cartographie des peuplements du microphytobenthos par télédétection spatiale visible-infrarouge dans un écosystème conchylicole
[Microphytobenthos assemblage mapping by spatial visible-infrared remote sensing in a shellfish ecosystem]
p. 377-389
Plant biology and pathology
Effect of organic and mineral fertilizers on N-use by wheat under different irrigation frequencies
p. 391-399
Biologie et pathologie végétales
Réversibilité des effets du cadmium sur la croissance et l'assimilation de l'azote chez la tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum)
[Reversibility effects of cadmium in growth and nitrogen metabolism in tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum)]
p. 401-412
Efficiency of particle retention and clearance rate in the polychaete Sabellaria alveolata L.
p. 413-421
p. 423-439
Approche probabiliste de l'estimation de l'âge chez l'enfant à partir de la maturation dentaire
[Probabilist approach of children age determination]
p. 441-448
A comparison of taste thresholds for sweet and astringent-tasting compounds in great apes
p. 449-455
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
Modélisation et simulation des processus biologiques dans le contexte de la génomique (Une sélection de contributions présentées au colloque d'Autrans, France, du 18 au 21 mars 2002, organisé sous les auspices du Génopole® d'Évry)
[Modelling and simulation of biological processes in the context of genomics]
[Modelling and simulation of biological processes in the context of genomics]
p. 457-458
Biological modelling / Biomodélisation
Modelling autocatalytic networks with artificial microbiology
p. 459-466
p. 467-476
p. 477-485
p. 487-500
Model-driven acquisition / Acquisition conduite par le modèle
Dynamic simulation of pollutant effects on the threonine pathway in Escherichia coli
p. 501-508
p. 509-515
p. 517-522
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Composition en acides gras des hémisphères cérébraux de rats spontanément hypertendus allaités par des femelles Wistar
[Fatty acid composition of brain hemispheres of spontaneously hypertensive rats suckled by female Wistar rats]
p. 543-552
p. 553-564
Microbiology: Parasitology
The geographical segregation of human lice preceded that of Pediculus humanus capitis and Pediculus humanus humanus
p. 565-574
p. 575-587
p. 589-597
p. 599-611
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. 615-624
p. 625-630
Biologie et pathologie végétales
Rôle de l'homme dans l'histoire de la végétation de la vallée Ellero (Alpes maritimes, Italie)
[Man's role in the vegetation history in the Ellero Valley (Maritime Alps, Italy)]
p. 631-637
Plant biology and pathology
Changes in antioxidant and lignifying enzyme activities in sunflower roots (Helianthus annuus L.) stressed with copper excess
p. 639-644
Biologie et pathologie végétales
Rôle potentiel des plantes adventices du colza d'hiver dans l'extension de l'orobanche rameuse en Poitou-Charentes
[Potential role of winter rape weeds in the extension of broomrape in Poitou-Charentes]
p. 645-658
Pharmocologie, toxicologie
Le mécanisme de défense multixénobiotique (MDMX) chez les bivalves
[Multixenobiotic defence mechanism (MXDM) in bivalves]
p. 659-672
p. 673-676
p. 677-686
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
Données métrologiques et évaluation des risques en France lors de l'accident de Tchernobyl (26 avril 1986). Mise au point historique
[Metrological data and risk assessment in France during the Chernobyl accident. Historical statement]
p. 699-715
p. 717-727
Contribution à la théorie logistique de la croissance : structure temporelle et potentiel de croissance
[A contribution to the logistic theory of growth: temporal structure and growth potential]
p. 729-738
Viabilité des bactéries hétérotrophes dans la baie de Marseille
[Viability of heterotrophic bacteria in the Bay of Marseilles]
p. 739-750
p. 751-760
Composition biochimique du zooplancton crustacé et broutage du phytoplancton et des protistes ciliés dans un réservoir récemment mis en eau (Sahela, Maroc)
[Biochemical composition of crustacean zooplankton and grazing impact on phytoplankton and ciliates in a newly flooded reservoir (Sahela, Maroc)]
p. 761-770
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
p. 787-840
p. 841-851
Écologie du phytoplancton sur les côtes françaises : comparaison inter-sites
[Phytoplankton ecology along French coasts: inter-site comparison]
p. 853-863
Issue no. 10-11 Table of Contents
Molecular biology and genetics
Foreword: from the Transcriptome conferences to the Systemoscope International Consortium
p. 867-875
p. 879-892
p. 893-900
p. 901-908
p. 909-920
p. 923-929
p. 931-940
Molecular biology and genetics
Adaptor-tagged competitive PCR: study of the mammalian nervous system
p. 941-947
p. 949-957
Molecular biology and genetics
The Kazusa cDNA project for identification of unknown human transcripts
p. 959-966
Molecular biology and genetics
LNCIB human full-length cDNAs collection: towards a better comprehension of the human transcriptome
p. 967-970
p. 971-977
Molecular biology and genetics
ORESTES are enriched in rare exon usage variants affecting the encoded proteins
p. 979-985
p. 987-991
Molecular biology and genetics
High-throughput classification of images of cells transfected with cDNA clones
p. 993-1001
p. 1003-1009
p. 1011-1017
Molecular biology and genetics
RNA amplification, fidelity and reproducibility of expression profiling
p. 1021-1030
Molecular biology and genetics
Gene expression profiling of breast carcinomas using Nylon DNA arrays
p. 1031-1039
p. 1041-1043
p. 1045-1048
p. 1049-1065
p. 1067-1072
p. 1075-1078
p. 1079-1082
Molecular biology and genetics
Microarray analysis using bioinformatics analysis audit trails (BAATs)
p. 1083-1087
Molecular biology and genetics
Application of eVOC: controlled vocabularies for unifying gene expression data
p. 1089-1096
Molecular biology and genetics
Zipf's law and human transcriptomes: an explanation with an evolutionary model
p. 1097-1101
p. 1105-1110
p. 1111-1114
p. 1115-1120
p. 1121-1125
p. 1127-1134
Issue no. 12 Table of Contents
Cell biology / Biologie cellulaire
Injection of exogenous RNA in amphibian oocytes leads to RNA level fluctuations which are sensitive to cordycepin, an RNA chain elongation terminator
p. 1135-1147
Animal biology and pathology / Biologie et pathologie animales
Humicolous buthoid scorpions: a new genus and species from French Guiana
p. 1149-1155
Biologie et pathologie animales / Animal biology and pathology
Variations structurales de l'œil, liées aux migrations verticales journalières de Daphnia longispina
[Structural variations of eye linked to daily vertical migrations of Daphnia longispina]
p. 1157-1162
Biologie et pathologie végétales / Plant biology and pathology
Mécanismes de bioprotection des plantes de lentille par Rhizobium leguminosarum contre Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis
[Bioprotection mechanisms of the lentil plant by Rhizobium leguminosarum against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis]
p. 1163-1173
Evolution / Évolution
Replication of hexitol oligonucleotides as a prelude to the propagation of a third type of nucleic acid in vivo
p. 1175-1184
Ethology / Éthologie
Vocal similarities and social bonds in Campbell's monkey (Cercopithecus campbelli)
p. 1185-1193
p. 1195-1200
p. 1201-1204
p. 1205-1211
p. 1213-1219