Issue no. 1-2 Table of Contents
p. 3-39
Account / Revue
Design of metal oxide nanoparticles: Control of size, shape, crystalline structure and functionalization by aqueous chemistry
p. 40-51
p. 130-141
Account / Revue
Thin film photochromic materials: Effect of the sol-gel ormosil matrix on the photochromic properties of naphthopyrans
p. 212-226
p. 227-236
Cp*RuCl(COD) in catalysis: A unique role in the addition of diazoalkane carbene to alkynes
p. 292-303
p. 353-357
Transformations de N-acylaziridines catalysées par des supports à base de silice et d’alumine : une élucidation mécanistique
[Transformations of N-acylaziridines catalysed by support-based silica and alumina: Mechanistic elucidation]
[Transformations of N-acylaziridines catalysed by support-based silica and alumina: Mechanistic elucidation]
p. 358-364
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
Account / Revue
Study of the residual dipolar coupling by 1H NMR MAS technique. Effect of the grafting ratio on interface polymer grafted on silica
p. 416-422
Perspectives in 1H, 14N and 81Br solid-state NMR studies of interfaces in materials textured by self-assembled amphiphiles
p. 431-442
Manganèse et imagerie de résonance magnétique du développement cérébral
[Manganese and MRI of brain development]
[Manganese and MRI of brain development]
p. 459-465
p. 481-485
Dégradation photocatalytique des ions ammonium en présence de TiO2 dopé
[Photocatalytic degradation of ammonium ions in the presence of doped TiO2]
[Photocatalytic degradation of ammonium ions in the presence of doped TiO2]
p. 502-507
Nature du dépôt formé au cours de l’oxydation en voie humide catalysée du phénol
[Nature of the deposit formed during catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol]
[Nature of the deposit formed during catalytic wet air oxidation of phenol]
p. 508-514
Performances catalytiques de faujasites Y échangées par des cations de Ce3+, La3+, UO22+, Co2+, Sr2+, Pb2+, Tl+ et NH4+ dans la réaction de dismutation du toluène
[Catalytic performance of the exchanged Y faujasites by Ce3+, La3+, UO22+, Co2+, Sr2+, Pb2+, Tl+ and NH4+ cations in the disproportionation reaction of toluene]
[Catalytic performance of the exchanged Y faujasites by Ce3+, La3+, UO22+, Co2+, Sr2+, Pb2+, Tl+ and NH4+ cations in the disproportionation reaction of toluene]
p. 527-537
Utilisation de matériaux à base d’argiles modifiées dans la conversion du toluène
[Use of modified clay materials in toluene conversion]
[Use of modified clay materials in toluene conversion]
p. 538-543
Issue no. 6-7 Table of Contents
La vitalité de la chimie de coordination des éléments f
[The vitality of the coordination chemistry of the f elements]
Recent advances in reaction of organolanthanides containing the N−H bonds with unsaturated organic small molecules
p. 633-650
p. 668-680
p. 700-714
p. 715-730
Issue no. 8-9 Table of Contents
Un panorama des recherches actuelles en chimie du phosphore – un hommage à la mémoire de Pascal Le Floch
[Phosphorus Chemistry Today – A tribute to the memory of Pascal Le Floch]
[Phosphorus Chemistry Today – A tribute to the memory of Pascal Le Floch]
p. 889
p. 923-928
p. 985-997
Phosphorus dendrimers as viewed by 31P NMR spectroscopy; synthesis and characterization
p. 1006-1027
p. 1035-1047
Chiral diphosphines and diphosphinites derived from 2,2-biphosphole: Stereodynamic ligands for asymmetric catalysis
p. 1054-1062
p. 1073-1081
p. 1127-1143
p. 1180-1184
p. 1203-1212
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
Stockage de l’hydrogène dans les nanotubes de carbone à paroi unique : nouvelle méthode de préparation par excitation laser
[Hydrogen storage in single-wall carbon nanotubes by means of laser excitation]
[Hydrogen storage in single-wall carbon nanotubes by means of laser excitation]
p. 1313-1318
p. 1319-1325
Issue no. 11 Table of Contents
p. 1359-1363
p. 1364-1369
Étude structurale de britholite au césium Sr7La2Cs(PO4)5(SiO4)F2
[Structural study of caesium-based britholites Sr7La2Cs(PO4)5(SiO4)F2]
[Structural study of caesium-based britholites Sr7La2Cs(PO4)5(SiO4)F2]
p. 1377-1383
p. 1397-1400
Synthèse et propriétés photochimiques de modèles imides et amides contenant des structures norbornadiènes pentaméthylés
[Synthesis and photochemical properties of imide and amide models containing pentamethylated norbornadiene residues]
[Synthesis and photochemical properties of imide and amide models containing pentamethylated norbornadiene residues]
p. 1406-1415
p. 1416-1423
Issue no. 12 Table of Contents
p. 1429-1432
p. 1440-1442
p. 1443-1449
Synthèse et caractérisation de fluorbritholites strontiques dopées au néodyme
[Synthesis and characterization of strontium-neodymium-fluorbritholites]
[Synthesis and characterization of strontium-neodymium-fluorbritholites]
p. 1460-1467