Heteroleptic bis-diimine copper(I) complexes for applications in solar energy conversion
p. 79-93
Precision polymers with biological activity: Design towards self-assembly and bioactivity
p. 143-147
p. 157-166
p. 207-215
p. 216-230
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. 279-285
p. 314-319
p. 475-485
p. 496-504
Effect of sludge pH and treatment time on the electrokinetic removal of aluminum from water potabilization treatment sludge
p. 511-516
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. 556-565
Étude expérimentale et théorique de la cinétique de l’alcoolyse de la liaison P–N extracyclique du 2-diméthylamino-4,4,5,5-tétraméthyl-1,3-dioxaphospholane monocyclique
[Experimental and theoretical kinetic aspects of the extracyclic P–N bond alcoholysis reaction in monocyclic 2-dimethyamino-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3-dioxaphospholane]
[Experimental and theoretical kinetic aspects of the extracyclic P–N bond alcoholysis reaction in monocyclic 2-dimethyamino-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-1,3-dioxaphospholane]
p. 585-593
p. 614-629
Melting properties of molten salts and ionic liquids. Chemical homology, correlation, and prediction
p. 654-664
Extrusion-based Integrative Chemistry: Generation and applications of inorganic fibers
p. 674-683
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
Workshop on alternative solvents for extraction, purification and formulation (WAS2014)
Water as a green solvent combined with different techniques for extraction of essential oil from lavender flowers
p. 707-717
p. 718-725
Activité antiplasmodiale in vitro des composés isolés des écorces du tronc de Vitex thyrsiflora
[In vitro antiplasmodial activity of the isolated compounds from the stem bark of Vitex thyrsiflora]
[In vitro antiplasmodial activity of the isolated compounds from the stem bark of Vitex thyrsiflora]
p. 807-811
Sorption de biomolécules par membrane échangeuse d’ions : étude expérimentale et modélisation
[Sorption of biomolecules by ion exchange membrane : Experimental study and modeling]
[Sorption of biomolecules by ion exchange membrane : Experimental study and modeling]
p. 812-819
Diagnostic de l'état agropédologique des sols acides de la province de Kinshasa en république démocratique du Congo (RDC)
[Diagnosis of the state agropedological acid soils of the province of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)]
[Diagnosis of the state agropedological acid soils of the province of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)]
p. 820-826
Contribution à l’étude de la désinfection de l’eau par photosensibilisation avec des extraits de plantes
[Contribution to the study of water disinfection by photosensitization with plant extracts]
[Contribution to the study of water disinfection by photosensitization with plant extracts]
p. 827-831
p. 841-849
Composés á structure imidazopyridinyl-arylpropénone, nouveaux agents anti-infectieux potentiels
[Imidazopyridinyl-arylpropenone compounds as potential new anti-infective agents]
[Imidazopyridinyl-arylpropenone compounds as potential new anti-infective agents]
p. 850-856
Établissement du profil chromatographique liquide non aqueux des métabolites phytochimiques apolaires des phytomédicaments
[Establishing the non-aqueous liquid chromatographic profile of non-polar metabolites of herbal medicinal products]
[Establishing the non-aqueous liquid chromatographic profile of non-polar metabolites of herbal medicinal products]
p. 863-875
p. 876-883
Étude des propriétés mécaniques des géomateriaux argileux associant la décoction de Parkia Biglobosa (néré)
[Mechanical properties of geomaterials formulated with clay and Parkia biglobosa (néré) extract]
[Mechanical properties of geomaterials formulated with clay and Parkia biglobosa (néré) extract]
p. 895-901
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
p. 1027-1032
Principaux taxons ligneux de la cosmétopée tropicale : une analyse bibliographique
[Bibliographical analysis of main lignified taxons used in tropical cosmetopoiea]
[Bibliographical analysis of main lignified taxons used in tropical cosmetopoiea]
p. 1035-1048
Activité anti-âge de l'extrait de Fitchia nutans, un ingrédient cosméticeutique d'un monoï traditionnel polynésien
[Anti-ageing activity of Fitchia nutans extract, a cosmeticeutical ingredient of a Polynesian traditional monoï]
[Anti-ageing activity of Fitchia nutans extract, a cosmeticeutical ingredient of a Polynesian traditional monoï]
p. 1049-1055
Sesquiterpene composition of Cinnamosma fragrans: A Malagasy endemic plant used in traditional medicine
p. 1056-1061
Use of grapevine cell cultures for the production of phytostilbenes of cosmetic interest
p. 1062-1070
p. 1090-1100
p. 1124-1132
Comparaison de différentes méthodes d'extraction d'acides dicaféoylquiniques à partir d'une plante halophile
[Comparison of different ways to extract dicaffeoylquinic acids from a halophytic plant]
[Comparison of different ways to extract dicaffeoylquinic acids from a halophytic plant]
p. 1133-1141
p. 1156-1165
p. 1266-1275
p. 1303-1309
p. 1315-1325
p. 1326-1336
p. 1337-1351
Three-way catalytic converter reactions aspects at near-ambient temperatures on modified Pd-surfaces
p. 1363-1369
p. 1371-1373
p. 1382-1387
p. 1395-1403
p. 1416-1423
p. 1424-1431
p. 1432-1438
p. 1456-1460
p. 1461-1469
p. 1514-1526
First investigation on microcrystalline pathologies of kidney allografts through cellular scale physicochemical techniques
p. 1542-1547
p. 1548-1557
p. 1565-1572
p. 1590-1596
p. 1597-1604
p. 1610-1624
Mineral studies in enamel, an exemplary model system at the interface between physics, chemistry and medical sciences
p. 1656-1664