Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
High-order methods for the numerical simulation of vortical and turbulent flows
p. CO2
p. 1-2
p. 29-37
p. 51-57
p. CO3
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Une méthode inverse d'ordre un pour les problèmes de complétion de données
[A first order inverse method for the data completion problem]
[A first order inverse method for the data completion problem]
p. 123-126
p. 127-132
p. 133-138
p. 147-154
Conséquences de l'agrégation et de la percolation de charges sur le comportement viscoélastique de nanocomposites
[Consequences of the aggregation and the percolation of fillers on the viscoelastic behaviour of nanocomposites]
[Consequences of the aggregation and the percolation of fillers on the viscoelastic behaviour of nanocomposites]
p. 155-161
Prise en compte des effets non linéaires de surface libre en écoulement instationnaire
[Calculations of unsteady flow with non linear effects of the free surface]
[Calculations of unsteady flow with non linear effects of the free surface]
p. 163-170
Convection mixte en fluide binaire avec effet Soret : étude analytique de la transition vers les rouleaux transversaux 2D
[Mixed convection in binary fluid with Soret effect: study of the transition towards transverse 2D rolls]
[Mixed convection in binary fluid with Soret effect: study of the transition towards transverse 2D rolls]
p. 179-186
p. 187-195
Visualisation de l'écoulement de Taylor–Dean ouvert
[Flow visualisation in a Taylor–Dean open system]
[Flow visualisation in a Taylor–Dean open system]
p. 197-203
p. CO3
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 211-217
Interaction soliton–sable dans un canal en eau peu profonde
[Soliton–sand interaction in a shallow water flume]
[Soliton–sand interaction in a shallow water flume]
p. 227-233
Homogénéisation de coques minces piézoélectriques perforées
[Homogenization of thin piezoelectric perforated shells]
[Homogenization of thin piezoelectric perforated shells]
p. 249-255
Structure des développements de distorsion rapide à petits temps en turbulence homogène
[On the closure of rapid terms for rotational mean flows]
[On the closure of rapid terms for rotational mean flows]
p. 257-263
Contrôle par rotation ou par aspiration de l'écoulement autour d'un cylindre calculé par Simulation des Grandes Échelles
[Control by rotation or by boundary layer suction of the flow around a circular cylinder by using Large Eddy Simulation]
[Control by rotation or by boundary layer suction of the flow around a circular cylinder by using Large Eddy Simulation]
p. 273-278
Représentation à l'échelle microscopique d'un mécanisme de rupture dans un milieu a joints
[Microscopic scale representation of a failure mechanism within a homogenized jointed medium]
[Microscopic scale representation of a failure mechanism within a homogenized jointed medium]
p. 285-291
Étude de la rupture fragile d'un stratifié quasi-isotrope à plis tissés : mise en évidence d'une longueur interne
[Brittle fracture of quasi-isotropic laminate: internal length characterisation]
[Brittle fracture of quasi-isotropic laminate: internal length characterisation]
p. 293-298
p. CO3
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Couplage d'un modèle stochastique lagrangien sous-maille avec une simulation grandes échelles
[Coupling of a subgrid Lagrangian stochastic model with large-eddy simulation]
[Coupling of a subgrid Lagrangian stochastic model with large-eddy simulation]
p. 325-330
Mouvements propres d'un système à 1 D.D.L. avec amortissement viscoélastique
[Eigenmotions of a 1-D.O.F. viscoelastically damped system]
[Eigenmotions of a 1-D.O.F. viscoelastically damped system]
p. 337-342
Étude numérique de l'écoulement d'un fluide non newtonien thermodépendant entre deux plaques parallèles
[Numerical study of a thermodependent non Newtonian fluid flow between two parallel plates]
[Numerical study of a thermodependent non Newtonian fluid flow between two parallel plates]
p. 365-369
Remaillage adaptatif pour la mise en forme des tôles minces
[Adaptive remeshing for sheet metal forming]
[Adaptive remeshing for sheet metal forming]
p. 371-378
p. CO3
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 389-395
Une condition de déviation des fissures dans les CMC et les multicouches
[A crack deflection criterion in CMCs and multilayers]
[A crack deflection criterion in CMCs and multilayers]
p. 405-411
Modélisation des problèmes d'impact avec dissipation d'énergie par frottement
[Modeling of impact problems with energy dissipation by friction]
[Modeling of impact problems with energy dissipation by friction]
p. 419-424
p. 425-430
p. 431-437
Microstructures réalisant toute compressibilité ou conductivité encadrée par les bornes de Hashin et Shtrikman
[Microstructures for the realization of every compressibility or conductivity between the bounds of Hashin and Shtrikman]
[Microstructures for the realization of every compressibility or conductivity between the bounds of Hashin and Shtrikman]
p. 439-445
Effet d'un champ magnétique transversal sur la stabilité de l'écoulement de Hartmann : les modes tridimensionnels
[Effect of a transverse magnetic field on the stability of Hartman flow: three-dimensional instabilities]
[Effect of a transverse magnetic field on the stability of Hartman flow: three-dimensional instabilities]
p. 447-451
p. CO3
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
p. CO2
Décomposition des déplacements d'une poutre : simplification d'un problème d'élasticité
[Decomposition of rod displacements: simplification of an elasticity problem]
[Decomposition of rod displacements: simplification of an elasticity problem]
p. 475-480
Quelques aspects de l'écoulement potentiel autour d'un corps en rotation
[Some aspects of the potential flow around rotating bodies]
[Some aspects of the potential flow around rotating bodies]
p. 487-492
Convection laminaire forcée dans le sillage d'une plaque chaude placée dans un canal
[Laminar forced convection wake above a heated plate placed in a channel]
[Laminar forced convection wake above a heated plate placed in a channel]
p. 499-506
Frottements et pertes de pression des fluides non newtoniens dans des conduites non circulaires
[Friction and pressure drop of non-Newtonian fluids through ducts of non-circular cross section]
[Friction and pressure drop of non-Newtonian fluids through ducts of non-circular cross section]
p. 513-520
p. CO3
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 521-527
L'approche variationnelle de la fatigue : des premiers résultats
[Variational approach of fatigue: first results]
[Variational approach of fatigue: first results]
p. 550-556
Modélisation probabiliste d'une expérience ultrasonore : calcul de la dispersion sur les mesures de célérité
[Probabilistic modelling of an ultrasonic setup: calculation of the dispersion on wave speed measurements]
[Probabilistic modelling of an ultrasonic setup: calculation of the dispersion on wave speed measurements]
p. 565-573
Influence d'une polarisation électrique sur l'instabilité d'une interface liquide/liquide
[Influence of the electric polarization on the instability of a liquid/liquid interface]
[Influence of the electric polarization on the instability of a liquid/liquid interface]
p. 580-584
Simulation du front d'écoulement dans les procédés de moulage des composites liquides
[Flow front simulation in the liquid composite molding processes]
[Flow front simulation in the liquid composite molding processes]
p. 585-591
p. CO3
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 593-598
p. CO3
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
Computational AeroAcoustics: from acoustic sources modeling to farfield radiated noise prediction
p. CO2
p. 657-659
p. 688-693
p. CO3
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 739-745
p. 762-767
Rôle du soufflage dans le contrôle de l'éclatement tourbillonnaire sur une aile delta
[The effect of blowing on control of vortex breakdown over a delta wing]
[The effect of blowing on control of vortex breakdown over a delta wing]
p. 773-777
Écoulement turbulent dans une cavité rotor–stator fermée de grand rapport d'aspect
[Turbulent flow in a shrouded rotor–stator cavity of large aspect ratio]
[Turbulent flow in a shrouded rotor–stator cavity of large aspect ratio]
p. 783-788
p. CO3
Issue no. 11 Table of Contents
p. CO2
p. 796-803
p. 810-817
Résistance d'un milieu poreux à phase solide hétérogène
[Strength of a porous medium with a heterogeneous solid phase]
[Strength of a porous medium with a heterogeneous solid phase]
p. 818-823
Fermetures entropiques pour les systèmes bifluides à sept équations
[Entropic closure laws for two-fluids seven equation models]
[Entropic closure laws for two-fluids seven equation models]
p. 838-842
p. CO3
Issue no. 12 Table of Contents
Fluid-solid interactions: modeling, simulation, bio-mechanical applications
p. CO2
p. 853-854
p. 855
Fluid–solid interactions: modeling, simulation, bio-mechanical applications
A three-dimensional fluid–structure interaction method for heart valve modelling
p. 856-866
Fluid–solid interactions: modeling, simulation, bio-mechanical applications
A two-dimensional effective model describing fluid–structure interaction in blood flow: analysis, simulation and experimental validation
p. 867-883
Fluid–solid interactions: modeling, simulation, bio-mechanical applications
Direct simulation of the motion of neutrally buoyant balls in a three-dimensional Poiseuille flow
p. 884-895
Fluid–solid interactions: modeling, simulation, bio-mechanical applications
Adaptive finite elements for the steady free fall of a body in a Newtonian fluid
p. 896-909
Fluid–solid interactions: modeling, simulation, bio-mechanical applications
Fluid structure interaction problems in large deformation
p. 910-922
Fluid–solid interactions: modeling, simulation, bio-mechanical applications
Apparent viscosity of a mixture of a Newtonian fluid and interacting particles
p. 923-933
p. 935-937
p. 939-943
p. 945-949
p. CO3