Comptes Rendus

Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

Number theory/Group theory
Revisiting the Leinster groups
p. 1-6

Potential theory/Harmonic analysis
A limiting weak type estimate for capacitary maximal function
p. 7-11

Complex analysis
Two results on φ-normal functions
p. 21-25

Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
Canard-cycle transition at a fast–fast passage through a jump point
p. 27-30

Partial differential equations/Probability theory
Variational principle for weighted porous media equation
p. 31-34

Partial differential equations/Differential geometry
Maximum principles and isoperimetric inequalities for some Monge–Ampère-type problems
p. 37-42

Analyse fonctionnelle
Une remarque sur les sous-espaces complémentés de VBp(μ,X)
[One remark on the complemented subspaces of VBp(μ,X)]
p. 43-49

Functional analysis/Probability theory
A refinement of the Brascamp–Lieb–Poincaré inequality in one dimension
p. 55-58

Differential geometry
Isometry group of Sasaki–Einstein metric
p. 71-73

Comportement asymptotique de lʼestimateur non paramétrique de la fonction de renouvellement associée à des variables aléatoires positives stationnaires β-mélangeantes
[Asymptotic behavior of nonparametric estimator for the renewal function associated with stationary β-mixing positive random variables]
p. 81-84

Issue no. 2 Table of Contents

Mathematical analysis
An extremal problem for polynomials
p. 95-97

Potential theory/Complex analysis
Boundary behaviour of universal Taylor series
p. 99-103

Complex analysis
Yet another proof for a theorem of Landau on Koebe domains
p. 105-108

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse fonctionnelle
Étude de certaines équations elliptiques à argument dévié
[Study of some elliptic equations with deviated argument]
p. 113-116

p. 133-135

Analytic geometry
An L2 extension theorem with optimal estimate
p. 137-141

Géométrie analytique
Une définition dʼespace de modules locaux de structures CR
[A definition of a local moduli space of CR structures]
p. 143-145

Differential geometry
The GBC mass for asymptotically hyperbolic manifolds
p. 147-151

p. 153-156

Numerical analysis/Calculus of variations
New Poincaré-type inequalities
p. 163-166

Issue no. 3 Table of Contents

p. 167-171

p. 173-177

Lie algebras/Algebraic geometry
Remarks on level-one conformal blocks divisors
p. 179-182

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
The 3D motion of a solid with large deformations
p. 183-187

Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
The Ostrovsky–Vakhnenko equation: A Riemann–Hilbert approach
p. 189-195

Partial differential equations/Harmonic analysis
A pseudo-differential calculus on the Heisenberg group
p. 197-204

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
On the Hamiltonian structure of the planar steady water-wave problem with vorticity
p. 205-211

p. 213-218

Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
A theorem on the existence of symmetries of fractional PDEs
p. 219-222

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
Modeling of the nonlinear vibrations of a stiffened moderately thick plate
p. 223-227

p. 235-240

p. 241-244

Géométrie différentielle/Probabilités
Majorations asymptotiques du barycentre convexe d'une mesure de probabilité sur les espaces homogènes S2×R, H2×R et l'espace de Heisenberg H3
[Asymptotic upper bounds for the convex barycenter of probability measure on the homogenous spaces S2×R, H2×R and the Heisenberg space H3]
p. 245-249

Numerical analysis/Mathematical problems in mechanics
An improvement on geometrical parameterizations by transfinite maps
p. 263-268

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

p. 273-276

Complex analysis
The weighted log canonical threshold
p. 283-288

Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Disjoint mixing composition operators on the Hardy space in the unit ball
p. 289-294

Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
On a p-Kirchhoff problem involving a critical nonlinearity
p. 295-298

p. 327-331

Algebraic geometry
Nefness: Generalization to the lc case
p. 333-337

Analytic geometry/Complex analysis
Chow forms and Hodge cohomology classes
p. 339-343

Differential geometry
A characterization of balanced manifolds
p. 345-350

Topology/Dynamical systems
A note on homotopy classes of nonsingular vector fields on S3
p. 351-355

Probability theory
Moment formulae for general point processes
p. 357-361

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

Combinatorics/Lie algebras
The flush statistic on semistandard Young tableaux
p. 367-371

Théorie des nombres
Cyclotomie des sommes de Weil binomiales
[Cyclotomy of Weil sums of binomials]
p. 373-376

Algèbre/Géométrie algébrique
Extensions de la filtration de Saito
[Extensions of Saito's filtration]
p. 377-382

Analyse mathématique
Sur la répartition des puissances modulo 1
[On the repartition of powers modulo 1]
p. 383-385

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
A remark on the approximation of plurisubharmonic functions
p. 387-389

Partial differential equations
Locally periodic thin domains with varying period
p. 397-403

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Homogenization of heat diffusion in a cracked medium
p. 405-409

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Limite de diffusion linéaire pour un système déterministe de sphères dures
[Linear diffusive limit of deterministic systems of hard spheres]
p. 411-419

p. 425-429

p. 435-439

Géométrie différentielle
La torsion analytique holomorphe généralisée des fibrés en droites intégrables
[The generalized holomorphic analytic torsion for the integrable line bundles]
p. 441-445

Differential geometry
A note on magnetic curves on S2n+1
p. 447-449

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

p. 455-458

p. 459-461

Algebra/Group theory
Metric ultraproducts of finite simple groups
p. 463-466

Mathematical analysis/Dynamical systems
Brin–Katok formula for the measure theoretic r-entropy
p. 473-477

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Optimal decay rates for the stabilization of a string network
p. 491-495

p. 497-502

p. 521-524

Probability theory/Mathematical economics
Symmetries of the backward heat equation with potential and interest rate models
p. 525-528

Issue no. 7-8 Table of Contents

The (6)-half-reconstructibility of digraphs
p. 541-545

Théorie des nombres
Grandes valeurs d'une fonction additive liée aux diviseurs généralisés d'un nombre entier
[Large values of an additive function linked with generalized divisors of an integer]
p. 547-550

Number theory
On small zeros of automorphic L-functions
p. 551-556

p. 557-561

p. 563-566

Group theory/Topology
A remark on the connectedness of spheres in Cayley graphs
p. 573-576

Mathematical analysis/Complex analysis
Lagrange interpolation problem for quaternion polynomials
p. 577-581

Complex analysis/Harmonic analysis
A characterization of Möbius transformations
p. 593-595

Partial differential equations/Dynamical systems
Non-existence of small-amplitude doubly periodic waves for dispersive equations
p. 597-602

Partial differential equations
KAM for quasi-linear KdV
p. 603-607

p. 609-613

p. 639-644

Probabilités/Physique mathématique
Particule à haute énergie dans un potentiel aléatoire dépendant du temps
[High-energy particle in a time-dependent random potential]
p. 645-649

Issue no. 9 Table of Contents

Number theory/Algebraic geometry
An explicit semi-factorial compactification of the Néron model
p. 667-671

p. 679-683

Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
Singular limit of a Navier–Stokes system leading to a free/congested zones two-phase model
p. 685-690

Partial differential equations
Remarks on a lemma by Jacques-Louis Lions
p. 691-695

p. 697-698

Optimal control/Calculus of variations
Dynamic programming for mean-field type control
p. 707-713

Geometry/Differential geometry
Blowing-up points on locally conformally balanced manifolds
p. 715-718

Algebraic geometry
Normalized non-Archimedean links and surface singularities
p. 719-723

Algebraic geometry/Topology
A note on the Zariski multiplicity conjecture
p. 725-729

Differential geometry
On anti-Hermitian metric connections
p. 731-735

Differential geometry
Harmonic vector fields on Landsberg manifolds
p. 737-741

On Bayesian estimation via divergences
p. 749-754

Issue no. 10 Table of Contents

Théorie des nombres
Double mélange des multizêtas finis et multizêtas symétrisés
[Double shuffle for finite multizetas and symmetrized multizetas]
p. 767-771

Number theory/Algebra
Joubert's theorem fails in characteristic 2
p. 773-777

p. 779-784

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Completeness on locally convex cones
p. 785-789

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Dimension of gradient measures
p. 791-795

Potential theory/Probability theory
Survival time of a heterogeneous random walk in a quadrant
p. 797-801

Ordinary differential equations
The master Painlevé VI heat equation
p. 803-806

Contrôle optimal
Sur l'état de synchronisation exacte d'un système couplé d'équations des ondes
[On the exactly synchronizable state to a coupled system of wave equations]
p. 823-829

p. 847-852

p. 853-858

Probability theory/Statistics
LAN property for a simple Lévy process
p. 859-864

Issue no. 11 Table of Contents

The algebra of Hurwitz multizeta functions
p. 865-869

Number theory/Algebraic geometry
The first cohomology of separably rationally connected varieties
p. 871-873

Number theory/Geometry
A volume estimate for the set of stable lattices
p. 875-879

Homological algebra/Mathematical physics
The obstruction to the existence of a loopless star product
p. 881-883

p. 885-887

Complex analysis/Partial differential equations
On the higher dimensional harmonic analog of the Levinson loglog theorem
p. 889-893

Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Source identification for the wave equation on graphs
p. 907-912

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Localization of extended current source with finite frequencies
p. 917-921

Differential geometry
A Hopf algebra associated with a Lie pair
p. 929-933

Probability theory
Probabilities of hitting a convex hull
p. 935-940

Analyse numérique
Correction non linéaire d'ordre 2 et principe du maximum pour la discrétisation d'opérateurs de diffusion
[A nonlinear second order in space correction and maximum principle for diffusion operators]
p. 947-952

Issue no. 12 Table of Contents

Combinatorics/Number theory
Some applications of the r-Whitney numbers
p. 965-969

Number theory/Algebraic geometry
The Arithmetic Site
p. 971-975

Number theory
Multiple zeta values at the non-positive integers
p. 977-984

Algebra/Homological algebra
Some properties of the extremal algebras
p. 985-990

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Multi-marginal Monge–Kantorovich transport problems: A characterization of solutions
p. 993-998

Mathematical analysis/Differential geometry
On a projectively invariant distance on Finsler spaces of constant negative Ricci scalar
p. 999-1003

Partial differential equations/Mathematical economics
Asymptotic expansions for degenerate parabolic equations
p. 1011-1016

Functional analysis
Positivity improvement and Gaussian kernels
p. 1017-1021

p. 1023-1027

Functional analysis/Probability theory
On the subexponentiality of the ridgelet transform
p. 1029-1031

p. 1033-1038

p. 1039-1044

Géométrie algébrique/Géométrie analytique
Filtration perverse et théorie de Hodge
[Perverse filtration and Hodge theory]
p. 1045-1049

Géométrie algébrique
Du théorème de décomposition à la pureté locale
[From the decomposition theorem to local purity]
p. 1051-1055

Probability theory
Restrictions of Brownian motion
p. 1057-1061