Comptes Rendus

Issue no. 1 Table of Contents

p. 20-23

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Non-convex, non-local functionals converging to the total variation
p. 24-27

Mathematical analysis
On polynomial interpolation of bivariate harmonic polynomials
p. 28-33

p. 34-39

Équations différentielles/Géométrie différentielle
Surfaces de Bonnet et équations de Painlevé
[Bonnet surfaces and Painlevé equations]
p. 40-44

Ordinary differential equations
Topological properties of solution sets for partial functional evolution inclusions
p. 45-64

Partial differential equations
Boundedness in a full parabolic two-species chemotaxis system
p. 80-83

p. 94-98

Estimateur du quasi-maximum de vraisemblance géométrique d'une classe générale de modèles de séries chronologiques à valeurs entières
[Geometric quasi-maximum likelihood estimation for a general class of integer-valued time series models]
p. 99-104

Analyse numérique
Métrique et qualité d'un simplexe
[Element metric]
p. 105-112

Mathematical problems in mechanics
Symmetric solutions to the Leray problem
p. 113-117

Issue no. 2 Table of Contents

p. 128-132

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Symmetry for extremal functions in subcritical Caffarelli–Kohn–Nirenberg inequalities
p. 133-154

Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Dispersive estimates for the wave equation inside cylindrical convex domains: A model case
p. 161-165

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Simulation de la propagation de fracture dans un solide élastique
[Simulation of the propagation of cracks in a brittle material]
p. 166-169

Partial differential equations
Large deviations of a velocity jump process with a Hamilton–Jacobi approach
p. 170-175

p. 176-180

p. 187-192

Harmonic analysis/Theory of signals
Lattice sub-tilings and frames in LCA groups
p. 193-199

p. 205-210

Algebraic geometry
On the kernel of the regulator map
p. 211-215

p. 216-221

Mathematical problems in mechanics/Differential geometry
New nonlinear estimates for surfaces in terms of their fundamental forms
p. 226-231

Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Une approche intrinsèque d'un modèle non linéaire de la théorie des coques
[An intrinsic approach to a nonlinear model in shell theory]
p. 232-242

Issue no. 3 Table of Contents

r-Bell polynomials in combinatorial Hopf algebras
p. 243-247

p. 248-259

p. 260-262

Number theory/Harmonic analysis
Special values of L-functions for orthogonal groups
p. 263-267

Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Dualité pour les groupes de type multiplicatif sur certains corps de fonctions
[Duality theorem for groups of multiplicative type over some function fields]
p. 268-271

Algebra/Algebraic geometry
A note on Fröberg's conjecture for forms of equal degrees
p. 272-276

Ordinary differential equations
A simple proof of the Lyapunov finite-time stability theorem
p. 277-281

p. 282-289

Partial differential equations
A short remark on a growth–fragmentation equation
p. 290-295

Partial differential equations
A stochastic Hamilton–Jacobi equation with infinite speed of propagation
p. 296-298

Partial differential equations
Instability of an integrable nonlocal NLS
p. 299-303

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Analyse a posteriori d'erreur par reconstruction pour un modèle d'écoulement dans un milieu poreux fracturé
[A posteriori error analysis via post-processing for a model of flow in a fractured porous media]
p. 304-309

Partial differential equations
Decay of solutions to a new Hall–MHD system in R3
p. 310-317

Mathematical problems in mechanics/Partial differential equations
Multipreconditioning for nonsymmetric problems: The case of orthomin and biCG
p. 354-358

Issue no. 4 Table of Contents

Combinatoire/Géométrie algébrique
Singularités canoniques et actions horosphériques
p. 365-369

Number theory
Lehmer's totient problem over Fq[x]
p. 370-377

Homological algebra/Topology
Perverse sheaves and knot contact homology
p. 378-399

Mathematical analysis/Harmonic analysis
Multipliers for Besov spaces on graded Lie groups
p. 400-405

Mathematical analysis/Harmonic analysis
Harmonic measure on sets of codimension larger than one
p. 406-410

Complex analysis/Partial differential equations
The complex Monge–Ampère equation on weakly pseudoconvex domains
p. 411-414

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
Lelong numbers, complex singularity exponents, and Siu's semicontinuity theorem
p. 415-419

Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
Blow-up solutions for a general class of the second-order differential equations on the half line
p. 426-431

Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
Logarithmic Sobolev inequality revisited
p. 447-451

Géométrie algébrique
Faîte du cône tangent à une singularité : un théorème oublié
[Ridge of the tangent cone of a singularity: A forgotten theorem]
p. 455-459

Differential geometry
Three-manifolds of constant vector curvature one
p. 460-463

p. 464-471

Issue no. 5 Table of Contents

p. 487-492

p. 493-498

Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Observability estimates for the wave equation with rough coefficients
p. 499-514

Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Interaction energy between vortices of vector fields on Riemannian surfaces
p. 515-521

p. 522-525

p. 526-532

Harmonic analysis/Functional analysis
Besov continuity of pseudo-differential operators on compact Lie groups revisited
p. 533-537

Harmonic analysis
On a discrete bilinear singular operator
p. 538-542

Analyse harmonique
Une caractérisation de l'algèbre de Fourier pour certains groupes localement compacts
[A characterization of the Fourier algebra for some locally compact groups]
p. 543-548

Analyse fonctionnelle
Un contre-exemple pour un espace d'interpolation qui n'est pas faiblement LUR
[A counterexample that provides a non-weakly LUR interpolation space]
p. 549-552

Functional analysis/Dynamical systems
Mean ergodic theorem in symmetric spaces
p. 559-562

p. 563-570

p. 571-576

Analytic geometry
Quot schemes and Ricci semipositivity
p. 577-581

Differential geometry
Formality theorem for g-manifolds
p. 582-589

Issue no. 6 Table of Contents

Number theory/Algebra
Trace formula for Witt vector rings
p. 601-606

Number theory/Mathematical analysis
A new generalization of Apostol-type Laguerre–Genocchi polynomials
p. 607-617

Homological algebra/Functional analysis
The cyclic homology of crossed-product algebras, I
p. 618-622

Homological algebra/Functional analysis
The cyclic homology of crossed-product algebras, II
p. 623-627

Homological algebra/Algebraic geometry
Kimura-finiteness of quadric fibrations over smooth curves
p. 628-632

p. 640-664

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Variational projector augmented-wave method
p. 665-670

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Eigenvalue problems with sign-changing coefficients
p. 671-675

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
A new method for solving Kolmogorov equations in mathematical finance
p. 680-686

Probability theory/Geometry
Joint spectrum and large deviation principle for random matrix products
p. 718-722

Issue no. 7 Table of Contents

Number theory/Dynamical systems
Dynamical covering problems on the triadic Cantor set
p. 738-743

Lie algebras/Partial differential equations
Compatible Hamiltonian operators for the Krichever–Novikov equation
p. 744-747

p. 748-752

p. 753-759

Complex analysis/Differential geometry
Remarks on the canonical metrics on the Cartan–Hartogs domains
p. 760-768

Complex analysis/Analytic geometry
On the Lie group structure of automorphism groups
p. 769-773

Partial differential equations/Theory of signals
Rigidity of optimal bases for signal spaces
p. 780-785

Partial differential equations
Global regularity of two-dimensional flocking hydrodynamics
p. 795-805

Analyse fonctionnelle
Vers un théorème de la limite centrale dans l'espace de Wasserstein ?
[Towards a central limit theorem in the Wasserstein space?]
p. 812-818

Geometry/Group theory
Conformal dimension on boundary of right-angled hyperbolic buildings
p. 819-823

Estimation locale linéaire de la régression non paramétrique fonctionnelle par la méthode des k plus proches voisins
[Local linear estimate of the regression operator by the kNN method]
p. 824-829

Issue no. 8 Table of Contents

p. 831-834

Théorie des nombres
Sur la méthode de Runge et les points entiers de certaines variétés modulaires de Siegel
[On Runge's method and the integral points of some modular varieties]
p. 847-852

Group theory/Lie algebras
A non-perverse Soergel bimodule in type A
p. 853-858

Mathematical analysis/Complex analysis
Intersection of harmonically weighted Dirichlet spaces
p. 859-865

Mathematical analysis/Dynamical systems
Fully oscillating sequences and weighted multiple ergodic limit
p. 866-870

Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Density of disk algebra functions in de Branges–Rovnyak spaces
p. 871-875

p. 876-880

Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
The flowbox theorem for divergence-free Lipschitz vector fields
p. 881-886

Équations aux dérivées partielles/Physique mathématique
Propagation des singularités et résonances
[Propagation of singularities and resonances]
p. 887-891

p. 892-902

Partial differential equations
On a Liouville-type theorem for the Ginzburg–Landau system
p. 903-905

Harmonic analysis
Sharp weighted estimates involving one supremum
p. 906-909

Differential geometry/Mathematical physics
A proof of energy gap for Yang–Mills connections
p. 910-913

Dynamical systems
A notion of Denjoy sub-system
p. 914-919

Probability theory/Harmonic analysis
A theorem of uniqueness for characteristic functions
p. 920-924

Issue no. 9 Table of Contents

Restricting uniformly open surjections
p. 925-928

Combinatorics/Ordinary differential equations
Correlation between Adomian and partial exponential Bell polynomials
p. 929-936

Number theory
Plus and minus logarithms and Amice transform
p. 942-948

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
On the representation by sums of algebras of continuous functions
p. 949-955

Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
A note on the fractional perimeter and interpolation
p. 960-965

Potential theory/Partial differential equations
Nonstationary Navier–Stokes equations with singular time-dependent external forces
p. 966-972

p. 973-976

Functional analysis/Geometry
Powers and logarithms of convex bodies
p. 981-986

Differential geometry
Rigidity of negatively curved geodesic orbit Finsler spaces
p. 987-990

Topology/Differential topology
On maps which are the identity on the boundary
p. 1022-1025

Issue no. 10 Table of Contents

p. 1037-1040

Logic/Algebraic geometry
A proof of the integral identity conjecture, II
p. 1041-1045

Mathematical analysis/Differential topology
A refined estimate for the topological degree
p. 1046-1049

Potential theory/Complex analysis
On a constant in the energy estimate
p. 1050-1054

p. 1055-1062

p. 1063-1071

Harmonic analysis/Functional analysis
Hamming cube and martingales
p. 1072-1076

Functional analysis
Positive block matrices and numerical ranges
p. 1077-1081

Analytic geometry/Differential topology
Scattering matrix and analytic torsion
p. 1089-1093

Differential geometry
A note on the almost-one-half holomorphic pinching
p. 1094-1098

Inférence fondée sur la vraisemblance pour des modèles de records
[Likelihood-based inference for record models]
p. 1099-1103

Physique mathématique/Économie mathématique
Un algorithme dérivé de l'algorithme de Metropolis
[An algorithm derived from the Metropolis algorithm]
p. 1104-1110

Issue no. 11 Table of Contents

Number theory
On the sum of reciprocals of least common multiples
p. 1127-1132

Group theory/Differential geometry
On the irreducible action of PSL(2,R) on the 3-dimensional Einstein universe
p. 1133-1137

Mathematical analysis/Mathematical physics
Existence and uniqueness of solutions to a model describing miscible liquids
p. 1148-1153

Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
An LP empirical quadrature procedure for parametrized functions
p. 1161-1167

Differential geometry/Mathematical physics
Twist star products and Morita equivalence
p. 1178-1184

Probability theory
About the conditional value at risk of partial sums
p. 1190-1195

Mathematical problems in mechanics
Nonlinear estimates for hypersurfaces in terms of their fundamental forms
p. 1196-1200

Issue no. 12 Table of Contents

Théorie des nombres
Une identité pour des polynômes d'Appell
[An identity for Appell polynomials]
p. 1201-1204

p. 1208-1214

Partial differential equations
Non-null-controllability of the Grushin operator in 2D
p. 1215-1235

Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
A variational principle for problems with a hint of convexity
p. 1236-1241

p. 1252-1290

p. 1291-1297