Issue no. 1 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 1-6
p. 7-11
p. 13-18
Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
Wave fluctuations near a de Sitter brane in an anti-de Sitter universe
p. 19-25
Partial differential equations
A Rellich type theorem for the Helmholtz equation in a conical domain
p. 27-32
Partial differential equations/Probability theory
On time regularity of stochastic evolution equations with monotone coefficients
p. 33-37
Partial differential equations
A generalization of the quantum Bohm identity: Hyperbolic CFL condition for Euler–Korteweg equations
p. 39-43
Partial differential equations
Relative entropy for compressible Navier–Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosities and applications
p. 45-49
Partial differential equations
Applications of Bourgain–Brézis inequalities to fluid mechanics and magnetism
p. 51-55
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Fixed point strategies for mixed variational formulations of the stationary Boussinesq problem
p. 57-62
Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
Trapped modes supported by localized potentials in the zigzag graphene ribbon
p. 63-67
Partial differential equations
Invariance of the support of solutions for a sixth-order thin film equation
p. 69-73
Partial differential equations
Multiplicity for a 4-sublinear Schrödinger–Poisson system with sign-changing potential via Morse theory
p. 75-80
p. 81-85
p. 87-90
p. 91-95
Géométrie différentielle
Sur les déformations des feuilletages de Lie nilpotents
[On the deformations of nilpotent Lie foliations]
p. 97-100
p. 101-106
p. 107-111
p. IBC
Issue no. 2 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. iii-iv
p. 113-120
Combinatorics/Probability theory
Anti-concentration property for random digraphs and invertibility of their adjacency matrices
p. 121-124
p. 125-130
p. 131-135
Number theory/Computer science
Effective arithmetic in finite fields based on Chudnovsky's multiplication algorithm
p. 137-141
p. 143-148
Potential theory/Calculus of variations
Optimal geometric estimates for fractional Sobolev capacities
p. 149-153
p. 155-159
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Uniform temporal convergence of numerical schemes for miscible flow through porous media
p. 161-165
Partial differential equations
A local regularity condition involving two velocity components of Serrin-type for the Navier–Stokes equations
p. 167-174
Partial differential equations
A simple criterion for transverse linear instability of nonlinear waves
p. 175-179
Harmonic analysis/Functional analysis
Strong convergence in the weighted setting of operator-valued Fourier series defined by the Marcinkiewicz multipliers
p. 181-184
p. 185-189
Optimal control
Pointwise second-order necessary conditions for optimal control problems evolved on Riemannian manifolds
p. 191-194
p. 195-200
Probability theory/Statistics
On the distribution of the product of correlated normal random variables
p. 201-204
p. 205-210
Numerical analysis
High-order accurate Lagrange-remap hydrodynamic schemes on staggered Cartesian grids
p. 211-217
Calculus of variations
Asymptotic formulas for perturbations in Stokes flow due to the presence of small immiscible liquid particles
p. 219-223
p. IBC
Issue no. 3 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Ensembles reconnaissables de séries formelles sur un corps fini
[Recognizable sets of power series over finite fields]
p. 225-229
p. 231-234
p. 235-238
Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Boutet de Monvel operators on singular manifolds
p. 239-243
Mathematical analysis/Complex analysis
Koebe sets for certain classes of circularly symmetric functions
p. 245-252
Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
On an elliptic equation of p-Kirchhoff type with convection term
p. 253-256
p. 257-263
Partial differential equations
Global bifurcation of vortex and dipole solutions in Bose–Einstein condensates
p. 265-269
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Asymptotic Preserving numerical schemes for multiscale parabolic problems
p. 271-276
Partial differential equations
Symmetry results for solutions of equations involving zero-order operators
p. 277-281
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
A slack approach to reduced-basis approximation and error estimation for variational inequalities
p. 283-289
Functional analysis
Homogeneous Hermitian holomorphic vector bundles and the Cowen–Douglas class over bounded symmetric domains
p. 291-295
p. 297-300
p. 301-306
p. 307-311
p. 313-317
p. 319-322
Numerical analysis/Mathematical problems in mechanics
An interface condition to compute compressible flows in variable cross section ducts
p. 323-327
p. 329-333
p. IBC
Issue no. 4 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
p. 335-338
p. 339-343
p. 345-349
Mathematical analysis/Potential theory
Harmonic measure is rectifiable if it is absolutely continuous with respect to the co-dimension-one Hausdorff measure
p. 351-355
p. 357-363
p. 365-370
p. 371-375
Partial differential equations
A note on Sylvester's proof of discreteness of interior transmission eigenvalues
p. 377-382
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Dirichlet-to-Neumann operator for diffraction problems in stratified anisotropic acoustic waveguides
p. 383-387
Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Unique continuation estimates for the Kolmogorov equation in the whole space
p. 389-393
p. 395-399
Analytic geometry/Differential geometry
A Riemann–Roch–Grothendieck theorem for flat fibrations with complex fibers
p. 401-406
p. 407-410
p. 411-414
Differential geometry
Area minimizing projective planes on the projective space of dimension 3 with the Berger metric
p. 415-417
p. 419-423
Differential geometry
Lower bounds for the eigenvalues of the Spinc Dirac operator on manifolds with boundary
p. 425-431
p. 433-436
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique
Analyse asymptotique de milieux élastiques stratifiés dans les espaces de fonctions à déformation bornée
[Asymptotic analysis of stratified elastic media in the space of functions with bounded deformation]
p. 437-442
p. IBC
Issue no. 5 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
p. 445-448
Homological algebra/Algebraic geometry
Algebraic K-theory with coefficients of cyclic quotient singularities
p. 449-452
p. 453-458
Mathematical analysis/Functional analysis
Splittings of extensions and homological bidimension of the algebra of bounded operators on a Banach space
p. 459-463
p. 465-469
Ordinary differential equations/Analytic geometry
On the number of fibrations transverse to a rational curve in complex surfaces
p. 470-474
Ordinary differential equations/Dynamical systems
A higher-dimensional Poincaré–Birkhoff theorem without monotone twist
p. 475-479
Partial differential equations
Solenoidal extensions of vector fields in two-dimensional unbounded domains
p. 481-485
Partial differential equations/Dynamical systems
Periodic solitons for the elliptic–elliptic focussing Davey–Stewartson equations
p. 486-492
Partial differential equations
When “blow-up” does not imply “concentration”: A detour from Brézis–Merle's result
p. 493-498
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
On non-linear Stokes problems with viscosity depending on the distance to the wall
p. 499-502
p. 503-509
p. 510-516
Algebraic geometry
Genus one enumerative invariants in del-Pezzo surfaces with a fixed complex structure
p. 517-521
p. 522-525
p. 526-531
Probability theory
First- and second-order expansions in the central limit theorem for a branching random walk
p. 532-537
Modèle non paramétrique parcimonieux pour la détection des points d'impact d'une variable fonctionnelle
[Nonparametric selection of impact points in functional regression]
p. 538-542
Mathematical problems in mechanics
From the free surface flow of a viscoelastic fluid towards the elastic deformation of a solid
p. 543-548
p. IBC
Issue no. 6 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
p. 551-554
p. 555-558
Théorie des nombres
Sur l'exemple d'Euler d'une fonction complètement multiplicative à somme nulle
[On Euler's example of a completely multiplicative function with sum 0]
p. 559-561
p. 562-565
p. 566-568
p. 569-576
p. 577-582
Analyse complexe/Géométrie analytique
Extension de courants fermés à l'espace projectif
[Extension of closed currents to the projective space]
p. 583-588
Partial differential equations
Small strong solutions for time-dependent mean field games with local coupling
p. 589-594
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
A maximum principle for the system Δu − ∇W(u)=0
p. 595-600
Partial differential equations/Mathematical problems in mechanics
On the existence and qualitative theory of stratified solitary water waves
p. 601-605
Partial differential equations/Mathematical physics
Spectral analysis near the low ground energy of magnetic Pauli operators
p. 606-610
p. 611-613
p. 614-618
Differential geometry
Non-existence of Funk functions for Finsler spaces of non-vanishing scalar flag curvature
p. 619-622
p. 623-627
p. 628-633
Normalité asymptotique locale de processus autorégressifs hilbertiens
[Local asymptotic normality of Hilbertian autoregressive processes]
p. 634-638
Mathematical problems in mechanics/Calculus of variations
Optimization of the branching pattern in coherent phase transitions
p. 639-644
p. IBC
Issue no. 7 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
La logique des parties fractionnaires de nombres réels
[The logic of fractional parts of real numbers]
p. 645-648
Combinatoire/Théorie des nombres
Deux analogues au déterminant de Maillet
[Two analogues of Maillet's determinant]
p. 649-652
p. 653-658
Number theory/Algebraic geometry
About the mixed André–Oort conjecture: Reduction to a lower bound for the pure case
p. 659-663
p. 665-670
Group theory/Differential geometry
Classification of differential symmetry breaking operators for differential forms
p. 671-676
p. 677-684
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Minimizing movements along a sequence of functionals and curves of maximal slope
p. 685-689
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
Constructing exact sequences on non-conforming discrete spaces
p. 691-696
p. 697-699
p. 701-706
p. 707-711
Differential geometry
Remarks on shrinking gradient Kähler–Ricci solitons with positive bisectional curvature
p. 713-716
p. 717-722
Probability theory
Lévy and Poisson approximations of switched stochastic systems by a semimartingale approach
p. 723-728
p. 729-734
p. 735-740
p. 741-746
p. 747-750
p. IBC
Issue no. 8 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
p. 751-755
p. 756-761
Group theory/Combinatorics
Harmonic functions with finite p-energy on lamplighter graphs are constant
p. 762-765
p. 766-770
Équations aux dérivées partielles
Le système de Vlasov–Poisson effectif pour les plasmas fortement magnétisés
[The effective Vlasov–Poisson system for strongly magnetized plasmas]
p. 771-777
Partial differential equations/Optimal control
Approximate controllability of coupled 1-d wave equations on star-shaped graphs
p. 778-782
p. 783-787
p. 788-793
Partial differential equations
Note to the problem of the asymptotic behavior of a viscous incompressible flow around a rotating body
p. 794-798
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Stabilisation de problèmes non coercifs via une méthode numérique utilisant la mesure invariante
[Stabilization of non-coercive problems using the invariant measure]
p. 799-803
p. 804-807
Partial differential equations
Finite dimensional global attractor for a suspension bridge problem with delay
p. 808-824
Partial differential equations/Functional analysis
Bourgain–Brézis–Mironescu formula for magnetic operators
p. 825-831
Geometry/Differential topology
Corrigendum to “The Euler class of an umbilic foliation” [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 354 (6) (2016) 614–618]
p. 833
p. 835-841
p. 842-846
Estimation locale linéaire de la fonction de régression pour des variables hilbertiennes
[Local linear estimation of the regression function with Hilbertian variables]
p. 847-850
p. 851-858
p. 859-863
p. 864-868
p. IBC
Issue no. 9 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
Number theory/Algebra
On some finiteness properties of algebraic groups over finitely generated fields
p. 869-873
p. 874-878
Homological algebra/Topology
Homeomorphisms of a solenoid isotopic to the identity and its second cohomology groups
p. 879-886
p. 887-890
p. 891-895
Complex analysis/Functional analysis
Weighted composition operators that are complex symmetric on the Fock space
p. 896-900
p. 901-906
p. 907-911
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Physique mathématique
Dynamique moléculaire de la prédissociation
[Estimates on the molecular dynamics for the predissociation process]
p. 912-915
p. 916-919
Algebraic geometry/Analytic geometry
Kobayashi measure hyperbolicity for singular directed varieties of general type
p. 920-924
p. 925-930
p. 931-935
Algebraic geometry
The class of the affine line is a zero divisor in the Grothendieck ring: An improvement
p. 936-939
p. 940-943
Probability theory
Critical percolation on any quasi-transitive graph of exponential growth has no infinite clusters
p. 944-947
Mathematical physics
The global nonlinear stability of Minkowski space for the Einstein equations in the presence of a massive field
p. 948-953
p. 954-959
p. 960-964
p. IBC
Issue no. 10 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
p. 965-970
Théorie des nombres/Théorie des groupes
Équidistribution non archimédienne et actions de groupes sur les arbres
[Non-Archimedean equidistribution and group actions on trees]
p. 971-975
Analyse mathématique/Géométrie
Une remarque à propos de l'équivalence bilipschitzienne entre des ensembles de Delone
[A remark concerning bi-Lipschitz equivalence of Delone sets]
p. 976-979
p. 980-985
Partial differential equations
Phase-field model of cell motility: Traveling waves and sharp interface limit
p. 986-992
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Higher-order topological sensitivity analysis for the Laplace operator
p. 993-999
Analyse fonctionnelle
Convexité uniforme faible dans les espaces d'interpolation
[Weak uniform convexity in interpolation spaces]
p. 1000-1005
Contrôle optimal
Une nouvelle approche pour la synchronisation approchée d'un système couplé d'équations des ondes : contrôles directs et indirects
[A new approach for the approximate synchronization for a coupled system of wave equations: Direct and indirect controls]
p. 1006-1012
p. 1013-1017
p. 1018-1022
p. 1023-1025
Topology/Differential topology
The Morse–Bott inequalities, orientations, and the Thom isomorphism in Morse homology
p. 1026-1028
p. 1029-1031
p. 1032-1036
p. 1037-1041
p. 1042-1047
p. IBC
Issue no. 11 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
p. 1049-1054
Mathematical analysis/Partial differential equations
Existence of minimizers for the 2d stationary Griffith fracture model
p. 1055-1059
p. 1060-1064
p. 1065-1070
Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
Almost automorphic evolution equations with compact almost automorphic solutions
p. 1071-1077
Partial differential equations/Calculus of variations
Variational existence theory for hydroelastic solitary waves
p. 1078-1086
p. 1087-1091
p. 1092-1095
p. 1096-1100
Optimal control/Probability theory
An existence theorem for multidimensional BSDEs with mixed reflections
p. 1101-1108
Algebraic geometry/Differential geometry
Residue formula for Morita–Futaki–Bott invariant on orbifolds
p. 1109-1113
Dynamical systems/Probability theory
Approximations of standard equivalence relations and Bernoulli percolation at pu
p. 1114-1118
p. 1119-1123
Numerical analysis/Mathematical problems in mechanics
A kinematic vector penalty–projection method for incompressible flow with variable density
p. 1124-1131
p. 1132-1138
Mathematical problems in mechanics
Isotropy prohibits the loss of strong ellipticity through homogenization in linear elasticity
p. 1139-1144
p. IBC
Issue no. 12 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. v-vi
p. 1145-1150
p. 1151-1154
p. 1155-1167
Ordinary differential equations/Partial differential equations
Uniqueness and Lagrangianity for solutions with lack of integrability of the continuity equation
p. 1168-1173
Partial differential equations
Lipschitz dependence of the coefficients on the resolvent and greedy approximation for scalar elliptic problems
p. 1174-1187
Partial differential equations/Numerical analysis
An online intrinsic stabilization strategy for the reduced basis approximation of parametrized advection-dominated problems
p. 1188-1194
p. 1195-1199
p. 1200-1204
Analyse fonctionnelle
Interpolation : Bθ = Bθ pour un θ entraîne Bθ = Bθ pour tout θ
[Interpolation: Bθ = Bθ for some beta implies Bθ = Bθ for all θ]
p. 1205-1208
Analyse fonctionnelle
Plongements de Carleson absolument sommants
[Absolutely summing Carleson embedding]
p. 1209-1213
Algebraic geometry
Corrigendum to “On a family of complex algebraic surfaces of degree 3n” [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 351 (17–18) (2013) 699–702]
p. 1214
p. 1215-1218
p. 1219-1224
Géométrie algébrique
Revêtements tangentiels et tours infinies d'Artin–Schreier
[Tangential covers and infinite Artin–Schreier towers]
p. 1225-1229
p. 1230-1235
p. 1236-1240
Mathematical problems in mechanics
A mathematical model of Koiter's type for a nonlinearly elastic “almost spherical” shell
p. 1241-1247
p. IBC