Issue no. 1-2 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 1-4
p. 5-6
p. 7-9
p. 11-14
p. 15-20
p. 21-23
p. 25-27
p. 29-33
p. 35-38
p. 39-42
p. 43-45
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
On wave propagation in the Anti-de Sitter cosmology
p. 47-51
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
On a waveguide with an infinite number of small windows
p. 53-56
p. 57-60
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Model reduction of semiaffinely parameterized partial differential equations by two-level affine approximation
p. 61-66
p. 67-69
p. 71-74
Géométrie différentielle
Laplacien hypoelliptique et cohomologie de Bott–Chern
[Hypoelliptic Laplacian and Bott–Chern cohomology]
p. 75-80
p. 81-83
Géométrie différentielle
Décomposition locale d'une structure bihamiltonienne en produit Kronecker-symplectique
[Local decomposition into a Kronecker-symplectic product of a bihamiltonian structure]
p. 85-87
Convergence du processus de sommes partielles vers un processus de Lévy pour les suites associées
[Convergence of partial sum processes to Lévy processes for associated sequences]
p. 89-91
p. 93-98
Physique mathématique
Sur l'existence et l'unicité des solutions pour des équations de Drude–Born–Fedorov homogénéisées en domaine borné et applications aux métamatériaux
[On well-posedness of some homogenized Drude–Born–Fedorov systems on a bounded domain and applications to metamaterials]
p. 99-103
Mathematical Physics
High frequency wave packets for the Schrödinger equation and its numerical approximations
p. 105-110
p. 111-114
p. IBC
Issue no. 3-4 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Are the hyperharmonics integral? A partial answer via the small intervals containing primes
p. 115-117
p. 119-122
Combinatorics/Dynamical Systems
The shifted primes and the multidimensional Szemerédi and polynomial Van der Waerden theorems
p. 123-125
p. 127-130
p. 131-136
p. 137-141
p. 143-148
p. 149-152
Analyse mathématique/Physique mathématique
Modèle électromagnétique d'objet dissimulé
[Electromagnetic model of a hidden object]
p. 153-155
p. 157-160
Partial Differential Equations/Calculus of Variations
A class of existence results for the singular Liouville equation
p. 161-166
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
On two-particle Anderson localization at low energies
p. 167-170
p. 171-173
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
The div–curl lemma for sequences whose divergence and curl are compact in
p. 175-178
Partial Differential Equations
Non-local PDEs with a state-dependent delay term presented by Stieltjes integral
p. 179-183
p. 185-190
p. 191-194
Functional Analysis/Probability Theory
Sharp bounds on the rate of convergence of the empirical covariance matrix
p. 195-200
p. 201-204
p. 205-208
p. 209-214
p. 215-217
Statistics/Probability Theory
Chi-squared tests for general composite hypotheses from censored samples
p. 219-223
p. 225-228
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A nonlinear Korn inequality with boundary conditions and its relation to the existence of minimizers in nonlinear elasticity
p. 229-232
p. IBC
Issue no. 5-6 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Classes non ramifiées sur un espace classifiant
[Unramified classes over a classifying space]
p. 233-237
p. 239-242
p. 243-246
Lie Algebras/Functional Analysis
Biquantization techniques for computing characters of differential operators on Lie groups
p. 247-250
p. 251-254
p. 255-258
Complex Analysis/Analytic Geometry
Hyperbolic embeddability of locally complete almost complex submanifolds
p. 259-262
Partial Differential Equations
Infinitely many solutions for a class of nonlinear eigenvalue problem in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces
p. 263-268
p. 269-271
Partial Differential Equations/Functional Analysis
On Hardy inequalities with singularities on the boundary
p. 273-277
Partial Differential Equations
Blow up dynamics for smooth equivariant solutions to the energy critical Schrödinger map
p. 279-283
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Existence of global weak solutions for a viscous 2D bilayer Shallow Water model
p. 285-289
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Exact controllability of a cascade system of conservative equations
p. 291-296
p. 297-301
Harmonic Analysis/Probability Theory
Sharp -bounds for a perturbation of Burkholderʼs Martingale Transform
p. 303-307
Harmonic Analysis/Dynamical Systems
Asymptotically conformal similarity between Julia and Mandelbrot sets
p. 309-314
p. 315-317
p. 319-322
Géométrie algébrique
Une famille dʼhypersurfaces quasi-rationnelles avec application de Nash bijective
[A family of quasi-rational hypersurfaces with bijective Nash map]
p. 323-326
Analytic Geometry/Automation (theoretical)
A toric Positivstellensatz with applications to delay systems
p. 327-329
Differential Geometry
A class of Poisson structures compatible with the canonical Poisson structure on the cotangent bundle
p. 331-335
p. 337-340
Systèmes dynamiques
Mesures stationnaires et fermés invariants des espaces homogènes II
[Stationary measures and invariant subsets of homogeneous spaces II]
p. 341-345
p. 347-352
p. 353-356
p. IBC
Issue no. 7-8 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Number Theory/Functional Analysis
Absolutely continuous restrictions of a Dirac measure and non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function
p. 357-359
Théorie des nombres/Analyse complexe
Une généralisation de la formule du triple produit de Jacobi et quelques applications
[A generalization of the Jacobiʼs triple product formula and some applications]
p. 361-364
p. 365-368
Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Cohomologie non ramifiée en degré trois dʼune variété de Severi–Brauer
[Degree three unramified cohomology of Severi–Brauer varieties]
p. 369-373
p. 375-378
Analyse mathématique/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Stabilisation frontière indirecte du système de Timoshenko
[Indirect boundary stabilization of the Timoshenko system]
p. 379-384
Analyse mathématique/Analyse harmonique
Critère de régularité directionnelle
[Directional regularity criteria]
p. 385-389
p. 391-394
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Indirect controllability of locally coupled systems under geometric conditions
p. 395-400
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
A Laplace transform certified reduced basis method; application to the heat equation and wave equation
p. 401-405
Partial Differential Equations/Calculus of Variations
Automatic convexity of rank-1 convex functions
p. 407-409
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse harmonique
Un modèle scalaire analogue aux équations de Navier–Stokes
[An analogue scalar model for the Navier–Stokes equations]
p. 411-416
Partial Differential Equations
Non-convex self-dual Lagrangians and variational principles for certain PDEʼs
p. 417-420
Harmonic Analysis/Functional Analysis
Analysis of some injection bounds for Sobolev spaces by wavelet decomposition
p. 421-423
Functional Analysis/Mathematical Physics
Phase transitions for XY-model on the Cayley tree of order three in quantum Markov chain scheme
p. 425-428
p. 429-431
p. 433-436
Algebraic Geometry/Analytic Geometry
Complex structures on products of circle bundles over complex manifolds
p. 437-439
p. 441-443
p. 445-449
Géométrie différentielle
Un exemple en classe de structure bihamiltonienne non décomposable localement en produit Kronecker-symplectique
[A -example of bihamiltonian structure with no local decomposition into a product Kronecker-symplectic]
p. 451-454
p. 455-458
p. 459-462
p. 463-468
Conditions minimales de consistance pour la sélection de variables en grande dimension
[Minimal conditions for consistent variable selection in high dimension]
p. 469-472
Numerical Analysis/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Incremental displacement-correction schemes for the explicit coupling of a thin structure with an incompressible fluid
p. 473-477
Numerical Analysis/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A boundary matching micro/macro decomposition for kinetic equations
p. 479-484
p. IBC
Issue no. 9-10 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 485-488
p. 489-492
p. 493-495
p. 497-500
p. 501-504
p. 505-510
p. 511-514
Analyse complexe/Systèmes dynamiques
Vitesse dʼéquidistribution vers le courant de Green pour les endomorphismes de
[Equidistribution speed towards the Green current for endomorphisms of ]
p. 515-517
Analyse complexe/Analyse harmonique
La série entière possède une frontière naturelle !
[The power series has a natural boundary!]
p. 519-522
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Error estimates for three-dimensional Stokes problem with non-standard boundary conditions
p. 523-528
Partial Differential Equations
-theory for vector potentials and Sobolevʼs inequalities for vector fields
p. 529-534
Partial Differential Equations
Traveling waves for a reaction–diffusion–advection system with interior or boundary losses
p. 535-539
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
Analytic solutions to a strongly nonlinear Vlasov equation
p. 541-546
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
Variational forms for the inverses of integral logarithmic operators over an interval
p. 547-552
Partial Differential Equations
Can a traveling wave connect two unstable states? The case of the nonlocal Fisher equation
p. 553-557
Partial Differential Equations
Self-similar solutions with fat tails for a coagulation equation with diagonal kernel
p. 559-562
p. 563-566
p. 567-569
p. 571-573
p. 575-578
Probability Theory/Mathematical Physics
A deletion-invariance property for random measures satisfying the Ghirlanda–Guerra identities
p. 579-581
p. 583-585
p. 587-590
Analyse numérique
Linéarisation et maillage des surfaces paramétrées
[Parametric surface linearization and meshing]
p. 591-595
p. 597-602
p. IBC
Issue no. 11-12 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 603-606
p. 607-610
p. 611-614
p. 615-619
Mathematical Analysis/Partial Differential Equations
On a price formation free boundary model by Lasry and Lions
p. 621-624
p. 625-628
Analyse mathématique
Une remarque sur la valeur absolue dans certains espaces de Sobolev ou de Besov
[Remark on the absolute value in Sobolev spaces]
p. 629-632
Mathematical Analysis/Harmonic Analysis
The Fourier–Stieltjes transform of Minkowskiʼs function and an affirmative answer to Salemʼs problem
p. 633-636
Potential Theory/Partial Differential Equations
A new formulation of Harnackʼs inequality for nonlocal operators
p. 637-640
p. 641-645
Partial Differential Equations
On the use of T-coercivity to study the interior transmission eigenvalue problem
p. 647-651
p. 653-656
Partial Differential Equations
A remark on duality solutions for some weakly nonlinear scalar conservation laws
p. 657-661
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Contrôle optimal
Contrôlabilité asymptotique de systèmes hyperboliques linéaires
[Asymptotic controllability for linear hyperbolic systems]
p. 663-668
Partial Differential Equations/Probability Theory
Wiener chaos and uniqueness for stochastic transport equation
p. 669-672
p. 673-677
p. 679-681
p. 683-686
p. 687-690
p. 691-693
Statistique/Économie mathématique
Estimation des ordres de modèles ARMA faibles multivariés
[Estimating the orders of weak multivariate ARMA models]
p. 695-698
p. 699-702
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Stokes equations and elliptic systems with nonstandard boundary conditions
p. 703-708
p. IBC
Issue no. 13-14 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Théorie des nombres/Géométrie algébrique
Minorations du nombre de classes des corps de fonctions algébriques définis sur un corps fini
[Lower bound for the class number of an algebraic function field over a finite field]
p. 709-712
p. 713-718
p. 719-724
p. 725-730
p. 731-733
p. 735-739
Mathematical Analysis/Numerical Analysis
Nonlinear and non-separable multiscale representations based on Lipschitz perturbation
p. 741-744
p. 745-748
Ordinary Differential Equations/Dynamical Systems
An analytical method for computing Hopf bifurcation curves in neural field networks with space-dependent delays
p. 749-752
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
On a nonlocal moving frame approximation of traveling waves
p. 753-758
p. 759-763
p. 765-767
p. 769-772
Partial Differential Equations
A Liouville comparison principle for entire sub- and super-solutions of the equation
p. 773-776
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Band gaps and vibration of strongly heterogeneous Reissner–Mindlin elastic plates
p. 777-781
Functional Analysis/Probability Theory
Geometry of log-concave ensembles of random matrices and approximate reconstruction
p. 783-786
Analyse fonctionnelle/Topologie différentielle
La signature basique est un invariant dʼhomotopie feuilletée
[The basic signature is a foliated homotopy invariant]
p. 787-791
p. 793-796
Analytic Geometry
On the Ohsawa–Takegoshi extension theorem and the twisted Bochner–Kodaira identity
p. 797-800
Systèmes dynamiques/Probabilités
Théorème limite central presque sûr pour les marches aléatoires avec trou spectral
[Quenched central limit theorem for random walks with a spectral gap]
p. 801-805
Probability Theory/Statistics
Estimation of the survival probabilities by adjusting a Cox model to the tail
p. 807-811
Probability Theory/Mathematical Physics
Ghirlanda–Guerra identities and ultrametricity: An elementary proof in the discrete case
p. 813-816
Statistique/Économie mathématique
Estimation de la matrice de variance asymptotique des estimateurs du QMV de modèles ARMA faibles multivariés
[Estimating the asymptotic variance matrix of the QMLE of weak multivariate ARMA models]
p. 817-820
Théorèmes limites pour les processus autorégressifs à valeurs dans
[Limit theorems for -valued autoregressive processes]
p. 821-825
p. IBC
Issue no. 15-16 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 827-830
p. 831-835
Analyse mathématique/Analyse fonctionnelle
La propriété de Fatou dans les espaces de Besov homogènes
[The Fatou property in homogeneous Besov spaces]
p. 837-840
Mathematical Analysis/Partial Differential Equations
On a price formation free boundary model by Lasry and Lions: The Neumann problem
p. 841-844
Complex Analysis/Mathematical Analysis
Effective Cartan–Tanaka connections for -smooth strongly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces
p. 845-848
p. 849-854
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
An inverse source problem with multiple frequency data
p. 855-859
Équations aux dérivées partielles/Analyse numérique
Calcul de lʼespérance de la solution dʼune EDP stochastique unidimensionnelle à lʼaide dʼune base réduite
[Calculation of the expectation of the solution of a one-dimensional stochastic PDE using a reduced base]
p. 861-865
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Numerical null controllability of a semi-linear heat equation via a least squares method
p. 867-871
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Reduced basis a posteriori error bounds for parametrized linear-quadratic elliptic optimal control problems
p. 873-877
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
Factorization of linear elliptic boundary value problems in non-cylindrical domains
p. 879-882
p. 883-887
p. 889-892
p. 893-896
p. 897-900
Probability Theory/Numerical Analysis
Numerical solutions of backward stochastic differential equations: A finite transposition method
p. 901-903
Analyse numérique
Simplexe de Lagrange de degré et de dimension arbitraire
[High order Lagrange finite elements]
p. 905-910
Analyse numérique
Une méthode de décomposition en temps avec des schémas dʼintégration réversible pour la résolution de système dʼéquations différentielles ordinaires
[Time domain decomposition with time reversible integration for initial value problem]
p. 911-914
p. 915-921
Problèmes mathématiques de la mécanique/Calcul des variations
Variation de forme pour une équation instationnaire du 4ème ordre dans un modèle de dislocations
[Shape optimization for a time-dependent 4th-order equation in a dislocation model]
p. 923-927
p. IBC
Issue no. 17-18 Table of Contents
p. IFC
Ensembles définissables dans les corps ordonnés différentiellement clos
[On differentially closed ordered fields]
p. 929-933
p. 935-937
p. 939-942
Théorie des nombres
Hypertranscendance de fonctions de Mahler du premier ordre
[Hypertranscendency of first order Mahler functions]
p. 943-946
p. 947-952
Algebra/Homological Algebra
Localising subcategories for cochains on the classifying space of a finite group
p. 953-956
p. 957-960
p. 961-964
p. 965-968
Partial Differential Equations/Functional Analysis
Fractional powers approach of operators for the solvability of some elliptic PDEʼs with variable operators coefficients
p. 969-972
Partial Differential Equations/Optimal Control
A Hamilton–Jacobi PDE in the space of measures and its associated compressible Euler equations
p. 973-976
Géométrie différentielle
Opérateurs de Toeplitz et torsion analytique asymptotique
[Toeplitz operators and asymptotic analytic torsion]
p. 977-981
p. 983-986
p. 987-990
Estimation par la distance de Hellinger des processus gaussiens stationnaires fortement dépendants
[Hellinger distance estimation of stationary Gaussian strongly dependent processes]
p. 991-994
Estimation du coût quadratique quand certaines composantes du paramètre de position sont positives
[Quadratic loss estimation of a location parameter when a subset of its components is unknown]
p. 995-998
Numerical Analysis/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Topology and geometry optimization of elastic structures by exact deformation of simplicial mesh
p. 999-1003
p. 1005-1009
Numerical Analysis/Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Displacement-velocity correction schemes for incompressible fluid–structure interaction
p. 1011-1015
Numerical Analysis
A remark on supercloseness and extrapolation of the quadrilateral Han element for the Stokes equations
p. 1017-1020
p. IBC
Issue no. 19-20 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 1021-1024
p. 1025-1029
p. 1031-1035
Équations différentielles
Classification analytique et théorie de Galois locales des modules aux q-différences à pentes non entières
[Local analytic classification and local Galois theory of q-difference modules with non integral slopes]
p. 1037-1039
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
The effect of numerical integration in the finite element method for nonmonotone nonlinear elliptic problems with application to numerical homogenization methods
p. 1041-1046
Partial Differential Equations
Mathematical and numerical modeling of wave propagation in fractal trees
p. 1047-1051
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
Characteristic Cauchy problem for the Einstein equations with Vlasov and Scalar matters in arbitrary dimension
p. 1053-1058
Partial Differential Equations
The Fujita phenomenon in exterior domains under the Robin boundary conditions
p. 1059-1061
Partial Differential Equations
Weak solutions to the incompressible Euler equations with vortex sheet initial data
p. 1063-1066
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
Global solutions, and their decay properties, of the spherically symmetric — Einstein–Yang–Mills–Higgs equations
p. 1067-1072
Analyse harmonique
Idempotents et échantillonnage parcimonieux
[Idempotents and compressive sampling]
p. 1073-1076
Géométrie algébrique
Le lemme fondamental métaplectique de Jacquet et Mao en caractéristique positive
[The metaplectic fundamental lemma of Jacquet and Mao in positive characteristic]
p. 1077-1081
p. 1083-1087
p. 1089-1092
Géométrie différentielle
Points singuliers du discriminant dʼun d-tissu sur une surface complexe
[On the singular points of the discriminant of a d-web on a complex surface]
p. 1093-1096
p. 1097-1100
p. 1101-1104
Asymptotic results for the linear parameter estimate in partially linear additive regression model
p. 1105-1109
p. 1111-1115
Mathematical Physics
Study of a self-adjoint operator indicating the direction of time within standard quantum mechanics
p. 1117-1122
p. IBC
Issue no. 21-22 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 1123-1125
p. 1127-1130
p. 1131-1134
p. 1135-1138
p. 1139-1144
Mathematical Analysis
Solve exactly an under determined linear system by minimizing least squares regularized with an penalty
p. 1145-1150
p. 1151-1154
Complex Analysis
Cauchy–Fantappiè transformation and mutual dualities between and for lineally convex domains
p. 1155-1158
p. 1159-1160
p. 1161-1165
Partial Differential Equations/Functional Analysis
Hardy inequality and Pohozaev identity for operators with boundary singularities: Some applications
p. 1167-1172
p. 1173-1176
Partial Differential Equations/Mathematical Physics
Semiclassical approximation and noncommutative geometry
p. 1177-1182
Détermination géométrique de la systole des groupes de triangles
[Geometric determination of the systole of triangle groups]
p. 1183-1186
p. 1187-1190
p. 1191-1194
p. 1195-1197
Probability Theory
Harmonic moments and large deviations for a supercritical branching process in a random environment
p. 1199-1202
Statistics/Probability Theory
Testing instantaneous linear Granger causality in presence of nonlinear dynamics
p. 1203-1206
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
A notion of polyconvex function on a surface suggested by nonlinear shell theory
p. 1207-1211
p. IBC
Issue no. 23-24 Table of Contents
p. IFC
p. 1213-1217
Analyse mathématique/Équations aux dérivées partielles
Problèmes de Cauchy avec des conditions modifiées pour les équations dʼEuler–Poisson–Darboux
[Cauchy problems with the modified conditions for the Euler–Poisson–Darboux equations]
p. 1219-1224
Mathematical Analysis/Calculus of Variations
A variational principle for gradient flows in metric spaces
p. 1225-1228
p. 1229-1232
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
A new local reduced basis discontinuous Galerkin approach for heterogeneous multiscale problems
p. 1233-1238
p. 1239-1244
p. 1245-1250
Partial Differential Equations
A canonical extension of Kornʼs first inequality to motivated by gradient plasticity with plastic spin
p. 1251-1254
Partial Differential Equations/Numerical Analysis
A robust two-level domain decomposition preconditioner for systems of PDEs
p. 1255-1259
p. 1261-1263
p. 1265-1267
p. 1269-1272
Dualité et homologie géométrique avec singularités isolées
[Duality and geometric homology with isolated singularities]
p. 1273-1276
p. 1277-1280
p. 1281-1285
Sur la régression quantile pour variable explicative fonctionnelle : Cas des données spatiales
[On the quantile regression when the regressor is functional: Spatial data case]
p. 1287-1291
Analyse numérique
Sur lʼusage de la formule de Cauchy–Binet dans les démonstrations de convergence de lʼalgorithme QR tri-diagonal avec décalages
[Using the Cauchy–Binet formula in the convergence proof of the tridiagonal QR algorithm with shifts]
p. 1293-1296
Mathematical Problems in Mechanics
Nonlinear Saint-Venant compatibility conditions for nonlinearly elastic plates
p. 1297-1302
p. 1305-1314
p. 1315-1317
p. IBC